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And here is the fial version of this part. c: 

Since I can't work fr some days because of my foot I finaly have more time to draw. cx




Came out great! I'm happy that you've got some time for drawing. :)


I'm sorry to hear about your foot :(


Oops, I didn't mean to hit enter. Hon Alicia looks absolutely lovely :) I love how she looks soft and comfortable at that weight. It would be so nice to be able to gain, be healthy and remain beautiful like this. Thank you for sharing these pieces.


Oh, this is very good work and sorry for your foot. I hope you will recover, but at least you have more time to draw ^^


The house looks lovely, especially that fluffy rug.~ But what happened to your foot to hurt it? Did you twist your ankle, or...?


thx c: I have an ingrown toenail since 4 month wich need to get cut out ^^' On monday I have to go to the surgeons

Maximus Coyotox

The big wuff is very good looking now! I love it!