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I've been reading the comments or the current poll, are there wishs for other options next time? like for example food instead of hoch parts grow the most (just an example)?

I personaly would like to fill er out evenly so I can do more parts of this sequence.

But it's important what you guys prefer! >w<

Or maybe you have other ideas to vote on c:

I am open for ideas so please let me know!



I always liked seeing a variety in parts, so a vote for food amounts or others could do the trick. I like big, but also very busty. And to keep voting for something different to add some variety or make something different and losing every time is disheartening.


I totaly understand! Maybe I go with foods and characters so I can make her fill out more in the chest area too. I personaly love it when fat female characters have boobs proportional to their bodies

Gemini (formerly Neri!)

Yeah this is kind of a thing with these types of votey thing, you can basically count on one option winning every time it's presented so if you're wanting to do more variety in shapes you kinda have to not do 'vote on where they grow' stuff Another creator I follow was having a similar problem where certain characters of theirs would basically autowin 'who do I draw next/who do I draw fat next' polls. So I'm definitely supportive of turning the polls more towards things like food, cameos, settings, outfits, etc.