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Unfortunately she is still in with inconclusive results.. so her stay is still indefinite. I'll be out for the rest of the week but I will at least get in some sketching while I'm watching over her when I'm there. Also, I'm getting things packed up and to go dog sitting for about 2 weeks at two different houses back to back XD I should be able to stream like normal unless my family calls for anything. I know what you guys have said about the family before streams but I still thank you guys for bearing with me n everything. I appreciate it :>

Hey everyone. I know this post is kind of late but I just wanted to let yall know some more about my out of whack schedule I'm currently dealin' with. 

My youngest sister got admitted in to the hospital last week so I've been ending the stream a little earlier than normal to come visit. It looked like she was coming back home so I missed some stream time but she's still in. Today, I'm here with her because both of my parents couldn't take any more days off work to stay with her. I also will have to again tomorrow. It's causing me to be more behind than I'd like to be so I may be playing catch up during my offline time. I also don't know if I will be helping more during the week but she's also supposed to be out soon. Well... so they say here >_< 

Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know a bit more in detail so yall know I'm not hiding or slacking on the patreon work!  If anything changes in either direction, I'll edit this post with more info. Thanks for understanding and your ongoing support, everyone. :>