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Hey everyone! I've been doing a lot of thinking and decided to check in with all of you who have been so kind to support me and my art.

Are there any rewards that I am currently not offering that you would like to receive? Something to add to the current tiers or adjustments. I thought I'd leave it open instead of a poll because I might not list or think of something you guys come up with.

I want to provide you guys and any future patrons with content and rewards that you all want and would love to have. Please comment on this post as soon as you're able to :> Your feedback is immensely appreciated.



Me i think about a tier 2 normal sketch or 1 colored sketch at choice

Topaz Moon (Alchemist)

Not sure, I like your rewards. You are my second longest place I have continuously been a Patreon of (September 2017 :) the oldest is same month too just earlier in the month) Maybe a small tutorial ever couple months would be cool. Like how to shade/highlight, or color eyes, or skin, or something like that. But, overall I just like your art :) So maybe a little more of your own OCs sprinkled in.