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Hey y'all. So this week, among a million other things, I've been making a video breaking down designing and building a <AUDIO SCIENCY THING I CANNOT NAME> for <TELEVISION SHOW I CANNOT NAME>. That episode, via my agreement, cannot air until later this year.

ALSO, it's probably not a surprise to anyone that I'm doing a video on sexism in music. It's very unbiased and very well-researched, and it's a HUGE undertaking with what is going to amount to me conducting close to a hundred (private and public) interviews.

So in the next week I'm going to do something easier that doesn't require 3+ days of production an editing. I have a few ideas and am close to settling on one, but I want to hear yours too!

tl;dr - Anything you want me to feature/talk about/do?



I think you should do a "Here's some things I love about FL Studio" video or stream. Don't overthink it and make it a top 10 or anything super prepared or anything comparing its features to other DAWs. Just quickly get up there and say here's some things I enjoy about this software I've been using for nearly two decades. Oh and all those ongoing projects sound awesome. Good luck with them.


Selfishly, I'd like to see more of the Hydrasynth, Pyramid, and ZOIA. I think all 3 are exceptionally deep machines.


And after you finish Steve R's idea, then I say anything pure modular and live. Patch from scratch kind of stuff. You're better at it than you think and you have an entertaining way of commenting while patching that I miss...


I would like to see an episode on acid noises. Your favorite way to make them and anything else worth mentioning. Thanks!


Modular jam live-streams please :) which is probs easy for you to just dive into without prep? and saves you time for working on those longer term projects which I'm looking forward to!


I want to see how powerful VCV rack is from your perspective. It has grown up quite a bit since your last video on it, and I want to hear someone who has used hardware eurorack for a while take it seriously for a moment. I really like Omri Cohen’s video’s on it, but he has his niche of music he makes with it and I really have been wanting to hear more people use it to really make music.


A few years ago, you made a 'detachable mic comparison' video for zoom recorders that I found informative. One thing I wonder about a lot is your piano mic placement, as your songs always have such clean and well mixed pianos that don't sound awful in cars. Maybe a quick video on some of your favorite ways to mic up pianos/guitars/drums/etc could help a lot of people and be fairly straightforward to put together.

Amy Gleixner

As an ambient sound collector, I'd be curious to know what kinds of noises inspire you and how you then incorporate them, but that may not be simple and quick. :)


Possibly my favorite video you've done was "I Tried To Make Music The Exact Same Way I Did 20 Years Ago" -- so really, I would be super down to watch anything in the vein of "historical IDM production", even if it's not a time-intensive production on your end. On a similar note, I found your neurofeedback video fascinating, and if you have any new thoughts on the subject (are you still doing it? 1+ year retrospective?) a vlog about that could be cool.


General sound design tips for granular and/or wavetable synthesis. Every time I get a sound I like from these I feel like it's more by luck than by actually having a clear idea of what I'm doing. Also: pretty timely for folks that may have decided to use their 'Ronabux on a certain piece of Polyend gear that's been featured on your channel a few times


Wait are people still using IDM unironically? I thought that was a generally agreed upon that it was a pretentious label. Idk if I'm missing something, but why use IDM to describe something at all?


Honestly I wouldn't mind a video of you just jamming out and having fun making music or playing around on an interesting piece of gear. You always find a way to make it interesting with your commentary and it's cool seeing your creative process, even when you're not taking it super seriously.


I'd love your perspective on "Bedroom studios: Don't make these mistakes," particularly for recording acoustic sources.


microtonal music and how to tackle the concepts that academia perpetuated in sound arts :)


I would like seeing some of the software/plugins you've used the most. Like from when you started, to say the last 2-3 years.


I'd love to see some videos about life, (mental) health, philosophy, art (not only music), programming. While these topics might not always seem relevant to everyone I feel like you could have a lot of interesting things to say on them.


Did you take time off? You need to take care of yourself as well!


Something that might be relatively low effort but of interest to music fans/viewers are videos about music - specifically something like talk about some say 10 or whatever number of albums you find remarkable, and why. Especially stuff that people may not know as much about. Or Albums that inspired you early career that were coming out around you while you were starting up, and how they influenced or inspired you in various ways say they did something technically or musically interesting, or just made you say wow, or a vid on jazz albums or players you find remarkable or are your favorites etc. perhaps could work in a livestream format or just minimally edited videos, although by now with the higher standard of production that may not fit on your video channel. Perhaps also videos like this exist already in the back catalog of stuff that I have not seen yet.


Something I've always appreciated about your music is how great the drums are and how amazingly glitchy they can be. I'd love to see you start something from scratch and really walk through how you do your destructive editing.


Anything about Melda Plugins / Axoloti


There's one kind of video I've really wanted to see more of on your channel: scoring! The one you did with Lucy was great. It was also very inspiring and informative for someone like me, who actively tries to submit music to production libraries. This could probably be a few videos even, scoring for specific projects, general scoring for libraries, and navigating the often-frustrating world of production music (the different types of licensing, royalties. You know, the doses of hard reality).


I would like a crash course on synthesis. Like serum or just how to make cool patches.


Hey Benn, I’d be interested in your take on the creative process, writers’ block and finishing tunes. I recently went back to stuff I’d recorded since 2010 and vowed to turn some of those neat ideas and sketches into finished articles. Minimal success at best.


oh also about a crusade / call to arms on how we can all club together and destroy MIDI Library-toting dicks who have worn out the ‘skip ad’ section of my iPad screen over the past year.


Hello Benn! I hope you are doing well, even though things are surreal right now, especially in the USA and in the music industry. I'd personnally enjoy very much watching more videos of yours on animals (the bat video is my favorite ;0)) and more beautiful science videos like your ''Seing Sound'' Series. A video on your view of the Universe (or our Galaxy, our Solar System, whatever and whatever the topic) would be great too I think. ;0) Speaking of which, I love the music (the 3 albums) you did for the Adler Planetarium a lot, any way we can see the visuals/documentary coming with it? I also was wondering what's going on with you being a test subject for the COVID-19 vaccine? I'm not on any social media so I obviously missed some updates. Thanks and keep doing what you are doing, sending lots of good vibes to you and Lucy!


ahh yes, these are to be found on Orwellian Tube as well ;)


Synthesis (building useful patches), Production/Workflow and Mental approach to Arranging and General Mental game as it concerns music creation


I don't use Serum but any programming of useful Wavetable patches would be nice