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On my late lunch break today, I decided to share something I've had written down for a while.  Attached is a Partial Typology of Heterosexual Binary Relationship Dynamics in WG Stories. "Open" stands for a feeder or feedee who is honest about their preferences and has essentially come out to their partner prior to the start of a story.  "Secret" stands for a feeder or feedee who have not come out to their partner about their preferences for whatever reason at the start of the story.  "Vanilla" stands for a partner/s who do not possess classic feeder/feedee characteristics, aka partners who don't find WG attractive on its own. 

I've highlighted the types I find most interesting to write about in green, and the types I have somewhat of an interest in yellow.  Clearly, my results reflect a bias.  I prefer BBW focused WG stories.

I'll throw all options I selected as interesting to me in this poll, but feel free to comment if you see potential in anything I might have missed.

Also, feel free to let me know if I missed anything in my typology that should perhaps be included.

If you've got questions, feel free to ask!

Have a good one!




I looooove when two women date, one starting fat and losing weight and the other starting thin and gaining weight. Essentially the plot of pound for pound lmao