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Delicious D 1x1

Watch "Delicious D 1x1" on Streamable.


Nate Zabinski


The Fool

Omg yay


Hell yeah! I was hoping you were getting to this one


Didn't expect this but very happy to see it


alicia, laios is just autistic. leave him alone.


The lockpick fills a very important role in the party, he is the straight man, who deadpan snarks at the wacky hijinks of the rest of the party.


Ah, the best new cooking show.

James LeBlanc

so venom is technically safe to ingest so long as there open wounds in your stomach or mouth, venom is only dangerous when in your blood stream

james blaire

theres a russian badger quote perfect for this opening 'he built stupid' lol


it's so funny cause almost everyone who first watches and looks at laios is like 'that boy is so weird and creepy', meanwhile everyone who first watches and is autistic is like 'that boy is the same as me for real, for real'

The Force

He just looked tired to me, and when it's subtly implied he was party leader I kinda got it, he was like me fo- Wait. Fuck maybe I should get that autism exam.

The Force

I *love* the internal monologue at the beginning, it shows how confident he is that they'll win this, fighting a dragon is a drull, monotonous task that has him thinking about how they're all hungry and should fix that *after they finish this fight* It's really fun, especially as we go on and see *just* how used to the dungeons they are Also just how little death matters in this, since it's a thing they can just come back from

The Force

Also "I've been fucked by a group of mimics before" Alicia, either phrasing, tmi, or pics or it didn't happen, one of those three xD

Apollo Gize

Yep, they are a modified protine and are safely digestible. Many snakes are not immune to their own venom, so that's how they can eat the things they've bitten :)


Holy, so many uploads today. And quite a few I'm very fond off. We're feasting godd tonight, mates.


It’s funny, they’re every disaster D&D party in one, and you can practically tell who picked which dump stats.


Also, Marcille is a danger magnet bean, and is appropriately voiced by the VA of Princess Anis from Tenten Kakumei

Easy Mode - A.I

my favorite meme is "Laios is Autistic".


He’s definitely somewhere on the spectrum. Reminds me of Toga’s fascination with blood

Easy Mode - A.I

yea a lot of people don't understand what autisim is, same with "Gaslighting" and a lot of other terms. Just consider how many people google symptoms and go "I have cancer!"


Laios is too hungry to think.


I love Laios He looks like the typical paladin fighter dude. But he has the mind of an autistic scholar! Such a refreshing lead character!


Listening to Alicia talk about those Mimics in Baldur's Gate, I can't help but wonder now if falling for those is just an Elf thing...


You know, the giant scorpion, makes me think it'd probably taste like lobster.


Surprised how much issue she takes with an MC yapper, figured she'd love it lol


If I am taking someone out to dinner and I don't know what I am in the mood for (ANYTHING, I WILL CONSUME ANYT!!) And the other person says anything, I make 3 suggestions. If they shoot down all 3 without providing a singular other option, they have officially waved their choice and I will pick an undisclosed option instead. If I hungy, I eat. I won't eat in front of people if they got no food, but no food and no options is different things!


Ok ok, BUT, if you were with your friends and they were saying to move multiple times, would they not just let it happen, laugh at you then bring it up every now and then for the rest of your life?


Also your distrust of a dwarf is going in the book.


I would like to say in your defense that he does seem suspicious. It could also be trauma from anime unexpected bad guys lol. It really isn't hate worthy.

John A.

Please add Campfire Cooking to a list of future anime that we can vote on. It has prettier food and a bit better story.

Winter Turnip

this is just the adventure I've been needing

Aspy 130

She’s defending the elf way too much, this is some INSANE bias lmaoo