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OP 190+191

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Trevor Appel

33:48 I'm surprised Alicia didn't make a comment about that face he is making with that quote


Hey I was just wondering is the fmab bloopers episode gonna come out I get why you may not be interested in it but as someone who usually doesn't care for bloopers it's quite funny


I hope we get to see more One Piece reactions soon! By the way you should be able to finish Skypia in the next two reactions since each one is two episodes.


so, this is 100% fan theory, not a spoiler. this hasn't been confirmed at any point in the story, but given you finally met the guy in person, it might be a cool tid bit regardless. see, there has been this long standing theory, which again hasn't been confirmed or disproven in any way, that usopp might actually be a descendant of noland himself. not a direct descendant like cricket mind you, but maybe a far off nephew of him. now, while this seems a bit of a wild theory at first glance, there are a couple of threads holding the whole thing together: for starters, they are both known as liars. this isn't true on nolands part of course, but still something they have in common. second, they both have a strong desire for adventure. sure usopp isn't as brave as noland, though it's his ultimate goal to eventually be, but as i think cricket said, all members of the mont blanc family have a inherent desire to leave their home and travel the seas, and both usopp and his father ended up traveling the seas in search of adventure as well. lastly, an odd bit off usopp's character design is that he almost always has that blue and white stripped wristband on his left arm. which just so happens to be the exact same color and pattern as noland's pants. is this a sneaky little hint oda threw in to hint at them being connected in some way? again, nothing has been confirmed as of yet, but i still really like the idea of the two potentially being related.


It's a real shame that the anime scuffed the pacing of Skypia so much that there are folks who actually skip this arc. The Sky Island saga is perhaps the most important saga, theme-wise, of One Piece, and is perhaps the saga that truly captures the concept of going on a grand adventure best of all. And while it might not have as much plot significance as some other arcs going forward, this arc and what it represents showcases the heart and soul of One Piece in a way that has yet to be matched, IMO.

Zachary Provenzano

i always loved this arc never understood the hate around it. If anything the alabasta arc felt like it went on for ages.

Justin Moore

I never understand people who skip arcs/episodes. If you are going to sink time into a show why not just watch it all through.