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jjk 2x23

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Amir Shipp

Everyone is saying that Jujutsu Society is trying to shift the blame but everything about the Shibuya Incident IS Gojo's fault. Gojo failed to properly dispose of Geto's body and that's why Brainymaru took it. Gojo blocked Yuji's execution, so Sukuna around to be released. Gojo blocked Megumi being raised in the Zenin clan, resulting in him being "unproperly trained" and releasing Mahoraga recklessly. Gojo fought Jogo and failed to actually dispose of him because he wanted to play with him and teach Yuji, who should be DEAD. Gojo is the reason for the barrier and his name is on the lips of all the non-sorcerers. The ONLY reason this situation happened is because Gojo unilaterally forced his whims with his strengths. No checks or balances, Gojo did whatever he wanted and these are the consequences of his whims.

James Decker

The higher ups of Jujutsu society have common sense, without Gojo present they're the ones in power and they intend to keep it that way. They know he's not actually an accomplice but it's a convenient excuse they can use since it's what everyone not directly involved thinks anyways.

James Decker

Who cares, the higher ups are bitch-made in either case because they'd rather be the ones on top in a world gone to shit than focus their efforts on the one guy that could singlehandedly revert the apocalypse.

Albert Rhodes

I gotta say, I usually avoid intros before I've seen an anime, because they always be spoiling shit. However, I watched this one from the start, and I think it's really masterfully done. It technically spoils everything that comes to pass, but you don't have the context or knowledge to connect any dots until after the events come to pass. It was so cool to slowly piece together more and more of it week to week. I wish more shows could pull that off effectively. Also, Yuta was not in the opening until this episode. They added it to the last episode's only. A slight spoiler, sure, but given exactly how limited Yuta's involvement in this season was, I didn't feel like it ruined the reveal. If anybody being in the opening did that, it might have been Todo, but I think we all knew he was gonna pull up at some point anyway. He was the furthest thing from my mind watching Mahito beat the bricks off Yuji, so I was still completely blindsided when he did show up.


He's not surrendering at the end, he's hunting. Thats my guess. (have not read the manga)


Ita, The brotha from anotha motha

The Force

I'll weigh in here at the end, unlike *apparently* everyone else, I loved your reactions, thank you for sharing them. I did find it weird as a fellow filmy (not nearly as technically knowledgeable) the beauty of the 3 minutes of "what's happening" being the total collapse of the country as the dark spot grew until even people who were far away and thought they were safe (the couple eating for example) were getting caught up in it. I also think it's sweet bean behavior that you were questioning the higher ups common sense instead of assuming political bullshit from old stuck ups who've been in the game since twice as long as Gojo has been alive, thus assuming they can just deal with this as they did before he came along and get rid of a "thorn" in their side at the same time, which was my immediate "sigh politics" reaction Thanks for watchin, catch ya next season, hope you're enjoyin everythin else you're doing


Only the episode 23 OP had Yuta in it btw, there was quite a few changes in the OP over the episodes.