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ahhhh I kept crying


FMAB Ep 63

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Fun fact: I'm pretty sure this is the case in the English dub too but I'm certain it's true in the Japanese -- Every time in FMA:B that anyone goes through the portal and speaks with Truth, Truth always speaks in a distorted/filtered version of that person's own voice/VA.

冯河 暴虎

The order of death of Humunculus follows the levels of difficulties for humans to overcome them: Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, Envy, Wrath, Pride, and lastly Greed.

Easy Mode - A.I

Most miss it which is odd considering how Honest the anime is, but over thinking somehow became common place in a bad way in todays world. Greed and Ling were compatible since the very beginning but only as the show goes on do you really see how alike they are. The final bit with May is satisfying.

Golden Witch Beatrice

Wow I can’t believe I’m still discovering layers to this anime after all these years! To add on it makes sense that Pride didn’t fully die because you CANT fully get rid of your pride


I will forever love the fact that the show makes note that Ed have carried what happened to Nina with him all this time. All the way to the finale. "I didn´t know May cared so much about Al" When you finally hang out with that one friend of a friend in your friend group. Because anyone who had spent more than 5 minutes with May would be able to tell him that. But it is actually a pretty interesting way to show just how split up everyone have been for this entire series. And I think it is one of its strengths that the characters still have such strong dynamics despite of it.

Brian Todd

And so the last of the sins meets their ironic end. Lust was killed by a man protecting his love, Gluttony was eaten, Envy died when somebody showed him compassion and saw them as equals, Sloth was killed by the two bodybuilders, wrath died with a smile at the hands of a man who grew past his rage, Pride died after abandoning his honor and beliefs in order to try and survive. and now Greed sacrificed himself for the sake of another and died satisfied. The themes in this show are absolutely top tier and following these threads has been a delight.


It is so sad when Truth tells the Dwarf you died a bitch and all you had to do to not die a bitch was to take things as they were and figure it out from there, but you stole your strength and you answer from others.