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MHA 6x13

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What an End for an Arc/Battle

Ryuuji Gremory

I feel like compress bloodline story kind of falls flat considering he went from my great-great grandfather was some Robin Hood "stealing from the corrupt and rich and giving it to the poor" noble thief, who tried to make the world a better place, to "Let's slaughter everyone that we don't like, together with countless innocent people as collateral" Like that's not living up to his blood, that's throwing it all away, his parents, grandparents and Harima Oji himself must be spinning in their graves. It's not a big deal but it stands out to me because all other members of the league have backstories and motives that are understandable even if they don't justify anything and aren't agreeable. With Compress I just think how did you go from Robin Hood to "terrorist murder hobo" and still believe to be adhering to the principles of "Robin Hood".

Not Six Raccoons in a Trench Coat

While I agree that Compress' motivation is weak compared with the rest of the League, Harima Oji specifically targeted false heroes who used their position to line their own pockets. This is compatible with the League's goal of destroying the social structure that worships heroes, even if their methods are a lot more violent.

Ryuuji Gremory

While he targeted corrupt heroes he didn't do it to just enrich himself but to give to the poor, the league of villains is slaughtering the poor in the thousands and if not stopped in the millions without any regard for anything. Destroying a corrupt system is nice and all but there is no sense in it if you don't build anything and just destroy and murder everything with no reason. And at this point it's not like Shiggy is shy about saying he just wants to destroy everything. Compress just ignored the core of what makes a so called "noble thief" a "noble thief". Like Stain also has a violent and extrem view and method but he actually stands by his ideals, he specifically only targets heroes, or rather, in his eyes, the imposters who call themselves hero. He is a rabid serial killer but would never lay a hand on a normal civilian and in fact also targets those who would do such things.


One 4 Episode Binge left, for one of the Best Episodes in this Show!

Amir Shipp

A common misconception about the idea of "destroying everything" is that "there will be nothing left" which isn't true. What wouldn't be left is modern society as you know it, sure, but that's literally his whole point. If the world becomes Mad Max, ShiggyForOne benefits from that and so does anyone with a Quirk that was labelled either dangerous or unaccepted. People ignore that at the time when Compress's ancestor was robbing, the world was literally run by Quirk Gangs like AFO's and heroes weren't even legal so the ideology they foster doesn't exactly fit into modern society.


My brain pretending like the beat of the music in the beginning lines up to the ass-shaking of the rat emojis. -_- Mr. Compress *Breaking* his body to save his friends, just like Deku is *Constantly* doing, is a neat little way to add more nuance to The League of Villains. The tragedy is that this is literally his last performance. Like any good hero, he gave his life for others. Which is so twisted (and I love it!). And yeah, the fact that he's a hottie twists that knife even more ^^' Finally: Yeah, Deku seeing how uncomfortable and NOT OKAY Shigaraki was with All For One taking over his consciousness is *Everything*! I love how we're STILL calling back to the moment Deku rushed to save Katsuki.

Ryuuji Gremory

And still millions get brutally slaughtered, including many of those with Quirks that were labelled either dangerous or unaccepted if they don't fall in line, well even if they fall in line they might just get jumped by others, and the poor Harima Oji handed his loot to. That nothing will be left is not a misconception, it's a strawman you made up at least as far as my thoughts on this matter are concerned.

Resident 2415

Only 6 more episodes...

Daniel Siegfried

oh not the spinner character font that looks like the old tmnt font