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FMAB Ep 30

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Oh gosh, I was just about to go to sleep to rest for the work week, but I've been early awaiting ep. 30 for so long... Are bad decisions about to be made?


Alicia have you ever seen helluva boss?

Talon Karrde

The reason it feels so real is the Mangaka did a lot of research and I believe interviews with actual veterans say of ww2 Japanese soldiers, for example ones who fought the Chinese, a lot of messed up stuff happened with that.


Ah; the VA for Kimblee is none other than Eric Vale, who also voices such characters as Trunks in DBZ (and all other series since '99), Sanji from One Piece, and Tomura Shigaraki in MHA. God, this dub is SO GOOD!!!

Marion Ette

Oh boy, the simping is about to go hard! Not I'll blame her...


Oh thanks I didn't even think of looking there lol i feel stupid

Bologna Amputation

Two (positive) things: 1. It is SO nice to see someone react to Armstrong's trauma and actually understand that what he said was "I should have stayed and spoke out against the genocide" and not "I should have stayed and kept doing the genocide." 2. I'm right there with you on the starting anew thing - for a true rebirth, accountability is needed. Facts and truth need to be laid out, in full, without pageantry, leaving it for the people and their new laws to decide whether or not the good a former power has done for the sake of the new country balances the crimes they committed for the old. Whether it's punishment, recognition, or simply archival, the result a thing that needs to be shown, and be shown true for it to serve as a foundation for the new system.

Enrique Barloco

You need to check the OVAs, particularily Yet Another Man's Battlefield


Second hand info: During Ishvalan War, when they were surrendering and peace group was walking with white flag, one of leading officers of State ordered soldiers to shoot them, ignoring white flag. Basque Grand, mustache guy who liked to create weapons with alchemy, he opposed of order to kill as they were approaching with talking in mind. Soldiers respected more of Basque point and didn't shoot, Officer started to scream of mutiny, treason and how all Ishavalan dogs should be -* Basque had listened to this man yelling, asked to see one of nearby soldiers gun and shot Officer to back of head. Moment Officers body hit ground Basque yelled "Stray bullet!" and all soldiers yelled same as well. After this they escorted Ishavalans to Bradley and scene we see in this episode starts.


Man, when alicia said that acknowledgement of the past warcrime is necessary in moving forward. it reminded of how Japan deal with their own warcrime. Heck. given the nature of marcoh warcrime. Experimenting on human. is similiar to Unit 731. and if in FMAB. In the end. Justice is brought forward to the like of roy, riza and others for warcrimes. it is a whole lot better than in real life with what happen to the people in participating in Unit 731. the whole trial is a sham. No real punishment brought foward and the whole thing swept under the rug. Many of the doctor doing vile human experiment went to have an illustrious career post world war. with if i remember correctly. the position of minister of health and welfare is being held by people that participate in unit 731 for decades to come.


They cut the content of that major mustache guy killed his superior so they can take a leader of Ishval to Bradly It was a nice touch of how all of them hate this war and all they want is to end this.


19:10 i mean adreanline IS a drug and no matter the skill, if you put in the effort and really hone it to perfection, pride is just a natural bi product even if remorse does come in latter to try to dampen it because of your morals


also at 22:40 i would like to point out that kimblees VA also i think voices shigaraki in MHA and ik eds va voices a shit ton of characters tho the only one i can think of right now that i do love to now end is spirit from soul eater with yet another example would be armstrongs VA who also voices allmight in MHA and zoro from one piece as well and my favorite role he did being garterbelt from panty and stocking with garterbelt :D like all these people trash talking the dubs saying shit like the dubs are all bad and the VA's just cant even begin to compare to the worst japenese VA's not knowing what the fuck they are talking about cause they dont realise that its just that when you can actually understand whats being said, OF COURSE it will sound cringe cause sorry to say but all our favorite anime is cringey and awkward... people NEED to give the dub of any anime they watch a shot if you ask me before they just turn away in disgust and NEED to grow up and learn to just ignore the cringe feeling cause VA's like kimblee here do their roles SO MUCH justice for native english speakers that while the sub aint bad in the least, they cant compare for native english speakers or really anyone who doesnt speak japanese...


21:27 this is what i mean... ANIME IS IN FACT CRINGE BUT IF YA LEARN TO JUST LOVE IT THAN THERE AINT A ISSUE!!! also hawkeyes VA voices momo from MHA and erza scarlet from fairy tail.


oh yea and before i forgot, hughes' VA voices usopp


It’s not just brown people. Remember that this is written by a Japanese woman! Everyone is hurt by the cycle of hatred. We can all end it, not just “white people.”


I’m not saying that it’s poc’s responsibilities. Sorry if it came off that way. :c


And that right there is why China and Korea still really hate and begrudgingly work with Japan. Japan never apologized to Asia, only the U.S.


I don't know what your reasoning that the writer is Japanese implies. Unless you are unaware of the racism within Japan


I’m saying that everyone can be racist. The implication is driven by the aryan stereotype depicted in the anime. I really didn’t mean anything other than all humans are capable- sometimes it feels like something pushed off onto germans, y’know?


It is the direct comparison being made in the show. The choice of the title "Fuhrer", the white, blond, blue-eyed soldiers exterminating a brown "other" race. That's specifically Nazis, not "all Germans" or "all white people"...Alicia isn't blind to the fact that non-white people can be racist, too. She's simply commenting on what's been laid on this particular table in front of us in this moment.


Alicia going full rant mode about them not acknowledging Riza's father's desires for Flame Alchemy a line before they both do haha. Like it was a really valid point but let the dudes finish their dialogue first 🤣. I get the assumption that characters won't address the elephant in the room after having watched many mediocre shows myself though 😅


I see what you’re saying! And I definitely agree with it- that just stood out to me in the moment. I won’t delete my comments, so others can learn and grow. Thank you for the insight and the chance for education!


Yeah I agree Wrath not believing in God of all people is a bit out of place but he spat bars anyway: "I keep killing your people and God does shit about it. How many do I have to kill for him to do something? If you want something done, do it yourself". Bars.


The atrocities get worse as the show goes on but you'll find out about that as you go, using human lives as experiments initiating a literal "war of extermination" fmab is such a great series but its also so chilling to see. The rabbit hole goes deep and i can't wait for either you to put the pieces together or for the show to say it, its gonna be so good.

Princess Paladin

lol. The U.S. gave amnesty to so many Nazis. No accountability, no punishment. There were tons of Nazi sympathizers in the government, and they made sure their fellow fascists faced no consequences at all. All of these governments are scum, run by corrupt fascists.


Yeah, sorry. We should have warned you about trigger warnings about the Ishvalan War and its atrocities. On a brighter side, Eric Vale does an amazing performance as Kimblee, and I'll delve more into his career as more anime reaction videos are released on YouTube.


I know it's upsetting to see all of these people committing attrocities, but it's true that real people committ attrocities in the real world. This is one of the few pieces of media that centers actual war criminals and mass murderers and asked the question can you committ unspeakable acts and still be worthy of redemption? What does it cost to get that redeption? WHAT IS THE VALUE OF A HUMAN SOUL?


you mention how messed up it is that hughes and mustang are having a little chat next to a bloody scarf. it actually wasn't just a scarf in the manga. it was a body. the writer set out to portray this event as something horrific and never tried to glorify the war or the roles people played in it and it leaves a strong impression. there's actually quite a bit more to it in the manga and i recommend it quite a bit. this part of the story stuck in my mind since i first read it and i know it'll never leave me


Please ma'am may I have some more?

dhjebshnd ahjdjuzjs

From what I remember (and I haven't read the manga in over a decade, so memory is fussy) hey cut some good scenes from the manga, which understandable, they just added to the conflict the soldiers were feeling, but it would've still been nice to see, so read on if you want to know two things I remember that got cut. They cut Basque Grand killing his superior for ordering his soldiers to shoot and kill the leader of Ishval after he had surrendered and offered himself to Bradley. Basque shot the superior and called out stray bullet, to which all the soldiers watching the scene go down agreed. They all just wanted the war to be over. Also, the moment that broke Armstrong in the manga. After he walled people in to be executed, someone survived. When no one was looking, he made a hole through the wall for them to escape and watched them almost get away before being blown to bits by Kimblee.

Ace of Blades

In Bradley's case, it was less about the disbelief in a higher power in general, and more so a rejection of the Ishvalan God specifically. It's the argument of, "If God existed and truly loved humanity, why would he let so much tragedy and carnage exist in the world?" Being told that God would smite him came across to him as an empty threat, seeing the Ishvalans' homeland completely destroyed to the point of surrender and still not being struck down by what they call God even as they declare he would be. That, combined with Homunculi considering themselves to be above humans, results in an attitude of, "If you want me dead, you're gonna have to kill me because nothing else will," because Father is probably the closest thing to a God that he would perceive.


War is just.....


Spice and Wolf? Not for everyone for sure, but suuuuper character driven between the two leads and very well written. Don't do it, I won't get views. Maybe the remake would get views when it comes out, idk...anyway. Preesh the dump and can't wait for episode 34!


I'm not saying it's right, not by a long shot... But there is a level of detachment that soldiers have to take on when it comes to stuff like this. It'll drive people insane to think about it all the time, so they dissociate. This can happen with doctors and nurses too; it can happen to anyone who deals with atrocities and horrendous carnage on a regular basis. I'm not lecturing, or at least I'm not trying to, I just know that we're all human. If we do terrible things, we can only hope to atone through learning to do better, and by doing so whenever possible. Of course, if atonement is through due process and being brought to justice, so be it.

Princess Paladin

so, just want to mention. "Wrath" is just a name for one of the human-invent concepts of "sin". It's an attribute of humanity, not anything unholy. Further, even if something were "unholy" that doesn't somehow imply the existence of any god or gods. Holiness is just what one reveres, and the reverse for what one considers to be "unholy". Truth said it was a lot of things, but you latched onto just "god", and seem to be taking only that. It also said it was all, one, the world, Ed himself, etc. All things that someone COULD call it. I don't see how Bradley or anyone else would somehow magically know about the existence of any deities, just because of a name they were given, or anything else. He makes valid points about what humans call "god" just being a construct we invented. No gods are intervening at any point, because either they don't exist, they don't care, or they're incapable. At that point, why call them "gods"? Just my atheist viewpoint. Carry on, friendo.

Easy Mode - A.I

the issues of being a dog or a lower rank, gonna be another decade before the atrocities commited in iraq begin coming to light.

Easy Mode - A.I

with a pray and a hope some might donate towards this cause, it's one of those great anime like Durarara n that other one that came before it, can't recall the name. I'd imagine she leans more towards the popular "to react too" stuff that everyone does. it's the smart move.

Easy Mode - A.I

"it is what it is" - the statement of a copeium abuser


Something tells me that you'd really enjoy Code Geass and Stein's Gate

Ace of Blades

God, those would both be incredible reacts. Gotta have some of my favorite character arcs in fiction, between those two shows.

Bologna Amputation

I've seen a few people say it, but I'd love to see you do Steins;Gate. I'm going to go against the crowd and say that you should do the Dub for that - it's a very good, very flavorful dub, where the subs leave some pretty important things unsaid or said unclearly.

Casey Mitchell

"War is hell" is a saying for a reason. And humanity will never be free of it.

Casey Mitchell

And that's why women don't typically make good soldiers in real life. They are, on average, too emotional and incapable of dissociating like that. Men, unfortunately, simply make for better killers.

Peter Gilmore

I want to rewatch Code Geass just to comment the absolute absurdity of the characters and massive war crimes left and right that everyone glosses over.


Technically Kimblee didn't kill Scar's brother. Scar's brother actually weirdly enough seemed to have the least severe injuries before giving Scar his arm. Kimblee did, however, blow away the rest of his family with that blast.


Kimblee set in motion the circumstances that directly led to Scar's brother sacrificing himself to save Scar, so Kimblee is only a degree or two removed from the death and still responsible imo.


I was vibing and watching along so hard until I heard "the hunk-a-munk-uli"


hello from new member! but DUDDEEEEE you're too smart!! when you say pretending to be the third person liking skirts over pants at Kimblee; IN THE OG ANIME Roy LITERALLY was talking to Havoc and Hawkeye much earlier in this series and did a anime like screen ''ALL THE WOMEN SOLDIERS WILL WEAR, TINY MINI SKIRTS!!!" (just look up that scene its so cute!)

Daisy Azuras

Roy learned that fire research by riding Hawkeyes backside