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The Boys 1x3

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W take on the sexualization in video games.

Secco Mode

Based sexualization in video games take. My thing though is that I rly can't stand the dudes that complain about a woman not meeting their beauty standards or not being sexualized enough in video games. (People complaining about that fable character and how Mortal Kombat got less sexualized) Like they'll actually call having normal looking women who aren't sexualized as some sort of "woke bs ruining video games". But I get thrown in with them because I simply appreciate sexy people in video games Hard bein a cowboy 🤠 😞


It's kind of weird, because I'm a guy and I like being sexualized. I got fit just so I could where a crop top


got jumped scared at the beginning looked at my phone for one sec then turned back around and saw big Alicia lol