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RM 5x4

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Apollo Gize

Easy way to remember Trebuchet is that it means "Tree Bucket" It's a log with a bucket full of stones on the end. Catapult by contrast operate through rope tension, and are more complicated while being less efficient


i skipped through this episode and i don't think i need to see any more of it ._.

Daisy Azuras

Yeah it was a gay man letting a horse mount him. He did it a lot but this one time the horse went a little too rough and ripped his colon.

hayden jack cowell

catapult = big spoon // trebuchet = big slingshot


I've seen people talk about how R&M fell off after the season that had Pickle Rick. Is this what they were talking about? Because if it is, then I can see why. Not that I hate R&M, but I just never watched past season 1, I believe. Interesting stuff.


So call back to season 4 episode 2 when Jerry drank the Globaflyn and wanted to be a water delivery man.


as someone who knows the difference between a catapult and a trebuchet, and who also frequently forgets their pin number, i feel VERY called out


You made Ice cream come out of my nose when you said "Sploogies"


nah the mariana trench easily earth's pussy why would that crusty shallow as canyon be pussy earth gotta be moist


The Sperm Queen makes no sense, considering sperm are 100% male chromosones.


31:05 Is this a reference to that part in Modern Warfare 2, where you control an astronaut?