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Hey cancer treatment is beating my ass. So I haven't been posting on here for 2 days I think I need at least one more day to feel better. Much love and thank you for being patient!


HQ 1x3

Watch "HQ 1x3" on Streamable.


Ervine Gates

Get as much sleep as you need Alicia, we know your fighting hard, and we're here to support you.


Don't worry about us go win your fight 💪


Rest well we ain't going anywhere

Miklar Sihn

Until i heard your way of handling them, i never wanted to send a dick pick. Now there is some very small part of me that i will have to keep under control. And while it shouldnt be and realistically isnt your fault. I am giving you the blame for that existing within me. Because now this isnt just a creepy way to tell women that i am a creep, it is also a way to get an honest judgement on my penis, whatever that judgement is.

the pillow

I’m still gonna be here Alecia your amazing and you focus on your fight promise you much love to you man 🫂


...what? "Honest judgement"? Do you really think there's someone out there that will look at a random dick pic and go "I hate unsolicited dick pics, but that one's pretty good"? She's not giving "honest judgement", she's insulting them for sexually harassing random people. You really think she's giving them real, honest feedback? Actually, in a way, she is. She's telling them how ugly she finds them for being harassing assholes. Whatever problems you got are your problems. Don't put that on her, or anyone else.

Lucifer Moon

good to know I am not the only girl who loves "lesdom mommies"

Lucifer Moon

just for the record Dr. Psycho in the comics is a misogynist, a r*pist who uses his powers to make really horrible things happen to women.


It was Juggalo. Clown-themed fans of the Insane Clown Posy Group.

Cthulhu Polar

Its to late to change it we all remember you agreed to both get cheese tattoos.