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MR 2!!!


One Piece Ep 103

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So Mr. 2's song is either a pun or a mistranslation. He's saying Okama way (The way of the drag queen), but the translation says "Oh Come My Way".


IMPORTANT NOTE: Mr. 2 will often say "Okama Way", where "Okama" is the Japanese word that can be roughly translated as queer. Being queer is a very important feature of the character of Mr. 2, it's not just a quirky one-off thing. For some reason, the subs in this saga will translate it as "Oh Come My Way" but that makes no sense at all. Alicia, stop your horny brain, she is called Miss Doublefinger because it's a reference to new year's day, which is 1-1 (which btw it's also Oda's and Ace's birthday) and Oda was used to refer to that day with two index fingers. P.S.: Allegedly, there were also men who removed a couple of ribs in order to... ehm, "reach down there" and suck themselves off.


It's nice to have you back!

De L

Another bit of lore that Oda puts in our face that won't be relevant for another couple hundred episode with that paper that Ace gave Luffy. With how Ace gave it to Luffy implies that it will be important later, but we won't know how that will be relevant until much later when Ace is put on the main plot course for Luffy. For those who will undoubtingly scream out "SPOILER" at me in the replies, all of these points can be inferred as soon as Ace had given the paper to Luffy on that interaction alone, and being directly related to the protagonist in such a massive story as One Piece will obviously be a recurring character later down the line. Even without knowledge of future events, those with keen eyes and logical thinking can notice the dots and link them together.


The extremely thin stomach reminds me of the animated aeon flux, if anyone remembers that one.


Even if so, you're still robbing people of the experience and excitement off figuring these things out for themselves. Even if you think something obvious, just let them figure it out for themselves at their own pace and don't just rob them of the experience. Seriously, what are getting out of this, except for ruining the fun for people who want to figure these things out for themselves? Not really something to be proud off, if you ask me. Not that you'd care, since otherwise you wouldn't pull this bs to begin with.


omg so happy youre reacting to live action too! super excited! I was wondering if you plan on reacting to the movies too? I know youre not at the point where you can watch them yet but I was just curious

nicko jones

have you ever watched sword art online abridged

Ruby Kelly

'Doublefinger' is Oda for New Year's Day (1/1, one finger raised in each hand)


I don't know if you've already seen them, but the english dub also dubs the first 4 or so openings, which are pretty rad. I've been having a blast singing along in english every opening so far :)

Joe Vocaire

Who has a tinier waist: Miss Doublefinger or Violet Chachki?😂😂


I'm curious if Alicia would be interested in here some of the songs in English. I still thought it was really cool of Funimation to dub the first couple of openings.


Oh shit, Mr 2 is training the Ginyu Force.


Oda SAYS Doublefinger’s day is January 1st, 1/1, New Years Day, which is a little wild, but is he also saying the calendar is the same in this world, and if Christmas exists, is this somehow meant to be Earth?

Sable Etoilé

I take a small break and you're at 200! I have some catching up to do...