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Rick and Morty 3x7

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There was a streamer that could've commented on the social commentary of a cartoon, but chose not to. She chose to enjoy the moment and not engage edge lords in the comments about political topics. We captured that feeling of liberation and we keep giving it to her so she can give it right back to you in the form of chemicals secreted by her brain. Try the unique flavor of our wafer cookie. Come home to Simple Alicia™. Only on Patreon. A bit confused on your reaction to the end of cop Morty, but just to be sure, in case you missed, cop Morty was going to shoot cop Rick, but he didn't fall for his act.


jeez I was so excited for this episode but damn it truly is a bummer lmao


I think the thing about the cop Morty is we aren't sure if it's an act or the only time he drops the act. yes he was going to shoot him but it's commentary on how our society puts us against each other when none of us want to do it


This is sadly my least favorite episode. It is just so sad, and arguably doesn't involve rick and morty. I just feel that nothing was gained here besides sadness.


Yes, but I wasn't talking about the deeper meaning. From the video, I got the impression that Alicia was confused about why Rick shot him and the reason for that is very simple: because Morty was going to shoot him first. So I wasn't sure if Alicia caught that part and I misunderstood her reaction or not.

Tokken Release

Honestly that's one of my top 5 episodes. It involves the citadel which I find to be a cool concept and evil morty. Besides all that social commentary as well. 😁


Pretty sure he faked it. It was a call back to what happened with the Morty Town Locos, back when one of them faked being scared and stabbed Rick in the back, once he lowered his guard. Cop Morty even commented on their m.o. "It's just a thing they do to make you feel bad". It also why Cop Rick knew not to lower his guard when Cop Morty tried the same trick the Locos used.

Secco Mode

WOOO this is gonna be a good morning


Favorite Rick and Morty episode of all time!


He said incest PORN, so probably nothing to do with any actual incest as far as I can tell. Honestly I don't see anything wrong with incest play in porn if that does it for you.

Connor Wells

It's our boy the Rickest of Mortys


I only ever saw the Cop Rick and Cop Morty segments as a Training days parody rather than an underlying societal commentary, not to say that training days wasn't but rather that it being parody added a comfortable layer of distance from it to me.


honestly... genius comment - hope Alicia sees it XD <3 (personally i would have gone for `simple LifexDeath`)


I think it's ambiguous but I like to think it was Cop Morty slipping and revealing his weakness before falling back into his role as a corrupt officer. it fits with the societal themes of this episode imo

Gas Bandit

"I wish incest porn had a more mainstream appeal" the REAL crazy thing is this episode aired RIGHT before "step-mom/bro/sis" porn REALLY started taking off a few years ago... It was like the Mulan Szechuan sauce effect... but with... incest porn.


What the actual fuck was this episode? I'm stressed the whole time. I get it's coommentary, like Alicia said, but there's too much happening. Something I noticed is the four Mortys trying to get to the Wishing Portal is a reference to a movie I saw a long time ago. I can't remember the name, though. Has four kids, as well.

Jace KiJin

It was the movie Stand by Me, based off the novel by Steven King

Sand Man

why are you that well informed about porn? incest specifically?

Gas Bandit

I'm one of those guys who had a pornhub account before Morty started pitching it. I make no apologies. And the lurch to stepmom porn in the recommended videos feed on the front page was extremely noticeable in its magnitude and abruptness.

Igor Chmurski

I respect you not wanting to talk about the commentary in this episode so much. If you dont want to get comments about it, dont start the topic. You get it. Not many people on the internet do.