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ibo 1x3 +4

Watch "ibo 1x3 +4" on Streamable.


Geth Who

I'm in the UK so I could only stick around for the first two eps, but it was my first time catching the stream live and I'm SO happy I got to see you watch IBO live. Mika's autistic-coded ass beating people to death with like zero chill is one of the most weirdly entertaining things in Gundam.

Ed Ambriz

I LOVE IBO!! Out of all the gundams this one has the hottest take on the child soldiers aspect of it. Have you noticed the lack of lazers and beam sabers? Mika is a psychopath who goes from I'm just chilling to "guess it's boom boom time" Orga has only one lady love, and she is his ambition. Biscuit is one of my favorite guys, chubby people don't get much positive representation in media so I'm glad to have him as the heart of the company.

Geth Who

Also the map in Episode 4, look at Australia. It's a good shoutout for Gundam fans who've seen a bunch of other shows, but even without that context it's a hell of a thing to see.


To anyone who wants to watch the episodes separately, Episode 4 begins at 30:40.

johnathan sanchez

We already about to finish the redemptions 😭😭 I love this show so much

Rat #41

I don't think this good idea guys, this is a tragedy. Not joking, I don't think this is good for Alicia.

Spaghetti MADAO

That moment at 7:00 is one of those rare times when I'm watching a show and was just yelling in shock at my TV, so cold-blooded


While I do like IBO, one of the things that kind of annoys me is how much they have characters just explain everything? Like to the point where it kind of ruins the scene sometimes. Like, the great thing about G Witch is just how much was emoted through characters, like Miorine's meeting with her dad after she formed Gund Arm Inc and just later Nika dropping a single line of "not everyone thinks like you Miorine" in episode 11, and so on. But here you have Kudelia just monologue for a solid two minutes about how she finds inspiration in Mika's streaght and how she has her own version of streangth, not a physical one. Like, it'll be like if in the episode where Chuchu punches those bullies you had her and Nika monologue about the reason why she descided to go help Suletta who she distrusted earlier instead of the show trusting you as the viewer to keep up with the story. Sorry if this is kind of ranty, I did really like IBO, and the kind of main character trio that Mika, Kudelia and Olga form is one of the bestt parts of the show and I hope you can enjoy it, but rewatching it with you made me remember these things I didn't like about it. IBO feels the need to explain everything and G Witch just felt like it trusted the audience to have a brain.


I always felt like IBO was made to be a fairly average story with a health helping of edge to sell the kits. It's still a good show but the Gundam frames looks and fighting scenes are the only memorable parts of the show.

Dirt Birb

Im still pretty new here and Im going off of bits Ive caught on streams so I apologize if this info is out there somewhere else but are we only getting up to episode 7 of IBO or will we be continuing the series?


Mika wasn't playing around when he thought the girls were hurt

Luna Lupus

yeah Gundam IBO Has so far only been sponsored for 7 episodes if we want to see more we'll have to sponsor more episodes which i would gladly do

Daniel Gonzalez

So when that 3 episode aired I'm pretty sure there was actually some uproar in Japan if I remember correctly this was in a Primetime afterschool timeslot on a major network and the fact Mikazuki literally executed him but also double tapped did sit well since he's also like maybe around 15-6 yr old not sure of his exact age but do remember outcry from some after that one for sure

Daniel Gonzalez

So a detail about Mika when he cuts offs Cranks Thank You and blasts him he hides Atras bracelet behind him the people that think he has no character are people with bad observation skills but not specifically talking bout that moment because it took me a couple watches to notice

Dawn Anew

As a fairly long term Gundam fan, I can confirm there are large parts of IBO that just flew over certain peoples heads. McGillis and Mika are the two biggest victims of this.


will Alicia continue with Irone Bloodet Orphans some day. Asking for a friend ;)