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Rick and Morty 3x2

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Nice! New RnM :)


yeah, eating human meat is fucked up and not from moral standpoint. youre just more prone to getting something akin to mad cow disease which is a disease that turns your brain to swiss cheese. not worth the risk.


I read that human meat doesn't really taste good and it's very stringy because it's not as fat and juicy as domesticated animals. And yes, we have already established that any episode could follow another Rick, so that it's the ultimate excuse for saying that if it doesn't feel the same Rick, maybe he isn't. In very few episodes we have confirmation of which universe we are following.

Gamer Kane

I said I wasn't gonna continue watching but I woke up half way through this episode on Youtube because of auto-play and heard Alicia criticising it. I find it hilarious how I said the downward spiral would start after the last episode and this is the first episode Alicia didn't like and said didn't feel right, I might continue just to see if this continues.

Kawaii Edgelord

I think Rick portalled away knowing he'd come back. I don't think he ever once was considering actually abandoning them, he just realized how long it was going to take and went to make sure everything would be okay on the home front with Beth.


Is it Season 3 of R&M where it starts getting worse? I think some people have said that after the pickle Rick episode everything goes downhill from there. I'm just here for the ride. And as far as eating human meat, I don't agree on that. From what others are saying here, it's really disgusting and inhumane that someone would even consider eating another human being. If you're really saying that you're tempted and are considering trying it just cause, then you're insane.


I'm just genuinely confused where you're coming from with this episode. You heavily agree Beth and Jerry should get divorced but would prefer not to have an episode that deals with the aftermath of it? Same with how you said S&M processed it too quickly, would you prefer multiple episodes focused on them dealing with the divorce?

Alexandre Géhin

Rick has always been like this. He says he's trying to bring them back because it's more work to replace them, but that's a lie he tells others and probably himself because he doesnt want to admit that he ultimately cares. Ofc he would replace them if they were to die, because he's probably reliant on their presence for his mental health (that's how I see it)

james blaire

i will admit i just saw people saying its bad but now i can hear someone say why its good or bad cause i dont feel like googling it lol also i still like rick and morty, for reason i dont know :p


I’ve always said I’m totally down with human meat but yahhhh there’s no way to really acquire it without opening the doors to exploitation allllll over the place. The only way it probably ever happens is like that one guy on YouTube who had his leg amputated and him and his friends decided to eat it cuz why not. But that means something bad has to happen to me or one of my friends so… no thanks LOL. My bestie wants to try it though so I told her if something bad DOES happen to me, I’m fair game… hope she’s not plotting or anything.

Daisy Azuras

Dan harmond was going through a divorce during this season


I’m surprised to see so many dislikes of the episode but I guess this shows the differences of what people are comfortable with, the mad max stuff and giant arm by itself was enough for me to like it.