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This is my favourite episode so far


My hero 3x23

Watch "My hero 3x23" on Streamable.


Daniel Siegfried

you may need a midoriya-level crying emote for your chat


I love this episode and how it really pulls Bakugo into a vulnerable place he rarely ever shows, culminating in a satisfying milestone in their relationship arc. they should kiss

De L

So, how many death flags does All Might have now?


I love your reactions but the only thing is that you see way to deep the character of bakugou, it's all understandable about his characters but I don't see why it's justified that those around him have to pay the bills of his emotions, yes he is going through so much but fuck it I'm not giving therapy to my bully

Vincent Samuel Price

Bakugos voice actor went absolutely crazy thus episode ♡♡

Sam Smith

What's that I hear around the corner? Is that someone screamin- "POWER!!!" I'm excited for him.

Justin miner

you should watch the heroes rising movie!! bakago and deku go off together, its amazing!!!!


Great insight, as always~ I feel like every time I rewatch My Hero, I always come away with an even deeper appreciation of Bakugo's character writing.


This is when I started liking Bakugo.


Probably my favorite episode. One of three pieces of media that had made me tear up.


Bakugo's VA knocked it out the park in this episode. There's so many subtle moments where his emotions come through when Bakugo is trying to suppress them. Also his screech at climax of the fight is so fucking RAW


yeeeee been looking forward to this one <3


"Koe no katachi" - eng. "Shape of Voice" is a beautiful anime movie, about a bully's self improvement.


That movie fucking kills me, dude. It's good but it's sooo heavy.


15:30 "We're more than just one thing." False, I am a human potate.


First time subscribing to a patreon just to see your reaction to this episode!! ^^


it you want to see deku and bakugo fight together, watch the 2nd movie, My Hero Academia Two Heros, they dont fight together much in the show

Sven Hegenbart

Still no heartfull apologize from his side


Bakugo is like a cat he wants the snuggle, but only for so long and only when he wants it.


Bakus mom put it out there clear as day, her son was constantly praised over minor and unimportant things and his ego grew too large. What we have seen of his life do not indicate a deeper meaning behind his bullying and contempt of Deku. It didn't start recently, it's been going on for years. The excuse of "oh he had other things going on that made him beat a kid who he saw as literal trash" doesn't apply when we have seen that he had 0 adversity. He grew up with both parents in a supportive environment with authority figures praising him constantly. Also, I love the complete ignorance this show has for human object interactions. Human spines are not that resilient and road rash is a real thing.

Casey Mitchell

Midoriya and Bakugo did something better than making up: They gained mutual respect for each other on equal ground, something far more valuable than some surface-level friendship.


Still binging your reactions. It's obvious you have a great handle on kaachan as a character. My only gripe sometimes is when you criticize midoriya for his reactions to him. Midoriya is skittish and nervous around a guy that abused him for a decade. He still even acts scared around him. So sometimes I feel in your zeal to see bakagou's real meaning you actually expect way too much from his former victim. Izuku owes him nothing, but because he's such a beautiful human being he's willing to overlook the negatives. So I get frustrated when you barked at midoriya's approach with kaachan in the final exam. And then didn't even say anything negative about him literally hitting midoriya. After going through these trials, I became more sympathetic to him . But he deserves getting his ego deflated. It made him better. It was what he needed to give him a kick in the ass You'll love season 6 btw. Looking forward to it.


I cry, all the damn time, over such small things that tug on emotional heart strings, I have never cried over anything about Bakugo. Bully found out what goes around comes around.