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:3 I got one my hero episode in!! 


My hero 3x18

Watch "My hero 3x18" on Streamable.


Sven Hegenbart

saying "Bastard" and "i will kill you" will neber ok to say even as Char.


Yeah, it is amazing how much these beans have grown since the start of the show. Love your thoughts on the characters and how much you get what they are dealing with and going through!


Incorrect. Maybe America has an issue with this kind of thing, but other countries have a much more lax way of looking at language and how it can be used to interact with others. As an Aussie, if I don't call my friends bitches and cunts or bastards and assholes, they'd know something is wrong - because that's just how we talk to each other and it's affectionate ribbing, not derogatory. HOW you say something, who you're saying it to and the intention behind saying it means a fuckton more than what you're saying. My sister and I call each other bitch all the time - we can tell the difference between when it's meant as an insult and when it's being said playfully or affectionately. I swear a lot - a lot of people around me do, too. It's just colour to the language, adding more spice and flow, etc. If I say "You're fucked, mate", everyone around me knows whether I'm telling that person they're dead meat or saying their an idiot or telling them that they're going to be in trouble with their wife or whatever based on the situation. Bakugo's fine in this regard. Yes, he started out using insults as actual insults as a kid but there is an understanding between him and the rest of Class 1-A that when he says "DIE" and calls people names, he's not insulting them in actuality - it's just how he communicates. And that's fine.


For me, the only thing Bakugo has said that no one should brush off is telling Deku to commit suicide. If a bully says that to their victim, then they need to be uppercut into the stratosphere.

Amorphous rodent

Kiwi here, completely agree with Liberty. If I go a full conversation with my mates WITHOUT insulting their entire family tree (or something to a similar extent, depending on context) then it's pretty much code for "I am deeply not ok" (or, again, something to a similar extent). Friendly and non-serious use of swearing/name-calling/harsh language is just part of everyday vocabulary for almost everyone I know, and if anything, that only makes genuine threats all the more impactful, as by that point the body language and tone of the individual are putting in far more work than the words alone ever could.


Your wrong. Language is different for everyone, some people curse way more than others. For example, in my family, we curse like drunken sailors. If you don’t call someone a bastard or bitch that’s code for something’s wrong, at least in my family. Hell, my own MOTHER calls me a bitch, bastard, cunt, etc, but we don’t mean in a bad way, that’s just how we all talk. If I didn’t greet my mother like ‘What’s up bitch?’ Or something along those lines she would ask me if I was okay. To some people this may seem crazy, but guess what, EVERY FAMILY IS DIFFERENT. In my family there’s nothing wrong with calling someone a cunt, bastard or whatever, as long as you mean it in a loving way. So, with that being said, no Bakugou did nothing wrong in that regard. Just because YOU think it isn’t okay to curse at someone doesn’t mean it’s the same for everyone else. I personally see no problem with how Bakugou talks. Hell, I’ve gotten my mother to watch MHA and her favorite character is Bakugou because of how he talks. Besides, like Liberty said, there is an understanding between Bakugou and Class 1-A, they know that’s just how Bakugou talks, reason why they don’t get butthurt whenever he curses at them or calls them names. So maybe don’t be so close minded okay? 😊


even in the U.S it's VERY regional. in new york cursing eachother out is much more commonly accepted amongst friends as an example

Jay (aka Kairukurumi)

I can say it now that we got here that my theory about which student was the mole was Aoyama. I am so glad I was wrong :)

Justin Moore

1A and 1B are just two different clases, not divided by strength.


My biggest issue with Bakugo is still that he was allowed to tell a kid he was bullying in front of adults to go commit suicide. He has had no repercussions from how he acted as a kid. Him becoming a better person is great on its own but using current Bakugo to erase things he did as younger Bakugo is pretty sad and makes it feel too close to real life bullying.