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Hey Patreon Beans!

I had to take yesterday off cause treatment day kicked my ass so badly. But today if I feel better I'm going to do a long stream and try my best to get a lot of different shows and series on the plate!

My goals would be to try and do the following:
- Finish My Dress up
- 3 Episodes of My Hero
- 4 Episodes of Straw Hat

I'm gonna make sure to prioritize my health but that is my priority for what I want to put out. I was supposed to record all three of these yesterday but I was just too sick. Cancer is a bitch and sometimes I gotta hold the L. I'll post again when I go live on Twitch! For now I'm going to spend the morning editing and resting when I can.


Oscar Wright

See you on stream later, not sure if anyone has warned you but episode 11 of dress up darling MIGHT be a bit too much for stream


No pressure we knew this was a tough month for you, Hope you get better soon and may all your vibes be good!