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Rick and Morty 3x1

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Shoney's is a real restaurant. It's like if Denny's was also a buffet but the food is much better than that implies. You'll see a ton of them if you road trip across the east and south east of the USA

Justin Payne

Yes this one Rick and Morty episode (and the fandom's demand afterwards) is exactly what caused McDonald's to bring the sauce back. So many people asked for it that they just had to. Then they brought it back in the worst way possible: For literally one day, and they didn't supply anywhere near enough for that day. This created a needless feeling of scarcity, many McDonald's employees outright stole a bunch for themselves and their friends/family, Crazy R&M fans were basically raiding every McDonald's asking for the sauce, we're talking crowded concert levels of people packing the places, it was TERRIBLE. They ended up having to bring it back a second time but for more than one day until the hype died down just so the unhinged R&M fandom would stop acting crazy. I had the opportunity to try it one time with my friends during this, and it's definitely the best sauce I've ever had from McD's hands down.

Daisy Azuras

This episode caused McDonald’s to rerelease that sauce which caused a massive problem with fans freaking out inside McDonald’s and rioting.

Lotus Gramarye

I love Rick's characterization in this episode. He acts like turning himself in was a chess master move to take down the federal government, which it was, but it was also genuine. If the plan failed he'd still have saved and given Morty (and the rest of the family he cares about) some kind of life. He strives for his own superiority if possible, but when the chips are down and he has to chose between himself and his family, our Rick will choose his family. Which is a huge advancement from S1 where he was happy to abandon everyone but Morty.

Marcello Reyes

Lol. I love Rick and Morty. People try to predict how the story is going to go, but the writers are like “just hang on to you Plumbus, we’re gonna take you for a ride”.

Joe Vocaire

Shoneys is the equivalent of like a Tim Horton’s in Canada.


fun story, they brought back this sauce for a limited time because of this episode.

Bentley Grogan

shoneys is a actual restraunt