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My Dress up Darling 1x4

Watch "My Dress up Darling 1x4" on Streamable.



YES more my dress up darling Marin is clearly the perfect girlfriend and wife possible ever we should all aim for someone like her


We should all aim to have and simultaneously BE someone like her.

Sancturillore -- Élie Simard-Wallot

I mean, for one thing she didn't think she needed to explain more about the events since she hadn't noticed his misunderstanding. And when she said that "there was one" such event in 2 weeks, (no specification of it being the one for her), she also noticed the time and her mind shifted to her being close to being late for her train.


Day 2 of me saying Gojo-kun is the best husbando

Sancturillore -- Élie Simard-Wallot

Secondly, it is also kind of Gojo's fault for his lack of communication. She tried to contact him and talk with him several times. Gojo always left right after class, didn't reply to her messages, and lied to her about being fine when asked in person, and refused her help. Gojo was so focused on what he thought was the situation and didn't bring it up to her. There was no way for her to know that he had misunderstood that much. And his grandpa's situation was a natural logical reason in her mind as to why Gojo was more distant.


that and he didn't really give her a chance to clarify after. after she noticed how strange he acted, she tried to talk to him at school but he always ran off immediately before she could talk to him, and when she tried to go talk to him at his home, he seemingly wasn't there. i'm sure they could have cleared up the confusion, if they had talked, but, with gojo fully committing to the work and basically shutting out everything else around him, there really wasn't much marin could have done.

Sancturillore -- Élie Simard-Wallot

Also, it's not directly stated in the anime, but the manga does make it clear that Marin pays for both the materials and for Gojo's work.

Ed Ambriz

Sooooooooooo, just FYI. There is a scene where she is in the shower where they show her ass and one episode in particular is VERY sus. So i would probably keep an eye out for that and maybe not have that episode on Twitch.

Aditya Chakrabarti

In every video of hers, she says something completely out of left field that makes me go "WTF Bro" while uncontrollably rolling on the floor with laughter. Like when in this video: Alicia: (*sobbing*) I hope she does something really big and nice for him.... LIKE SUCK HIS PE-" ME: (*rofl*) WHAT THE F BRO


This episode is where Dress-Up goes from a decent, fun rom-com to a great rom-com for me. It isn't your typical "perfect x loser" kind of set-up. Marin, with all her based W takes and looks still has some flaws, most notably jumping into things and conclusions without giving too much thought. EP 1 it was her undressing in class, EP 2 the whole time at his house, where she showed up because she couldn't wait 2 days to get her mesurements taken, in this episode thinking Gojo is chilling with his grandpa or has girlfriend due to fake eyelashes - she even admited in EP 3 that she was first planning on coming shopping alone and how she probably would have messed up. And Gojo isn't your typical loser, dude's clearly a handsome bean who's super goal-driven and hardworking, he just has 0 communication skills and an extremely low self-esteem due to being always busy with getting better and trauma of his passion being rejected. Him getting the "Anime Secound Wind" while he's down isn't so much of a "Oh no, i like this girl and i don't want to disappoint her" for me, but more of a "I AM A PROFESSIONAL! AND PROFESSIONALS HAVE STANDARDS, DAMN IT!"(although other is vaild too!) Another thing i love is that Marin takes FULL ACCOUNTABILITY FOR HER ACTIONS! In most rom-coms, the whole situation would have been played for a laugh, them not doing that is so refreshing. Even Horimiya would have had Hori respond with violence at first for a cheap laugh. Here, it's treated with all the seriousness that is needed, with Marin feeling truly bad for the mishap and Gojo also accepting some of the blame for not communicating that he wasn't okay doing it in 2 weeks. It's really rare for the characters to be on a somewhat equal footing in rom-coms and I'm happy you like this show so far! I'm excited to see you watch these two beans improve and become better both mentally and in skill!


Gojo's self-loathing and the whole "Just because i like something doesnt mean im good at it" just hits really close to home. I've seen this anime like 6 times and i still get chocked up at that part.


I love reading through the comments and like, everyone's on the same page about Gojo as a romcom protagonist. He's not a lame self-insert by any stretch of the imagination, he's not the typical loser who ends up with most popular girl in school (even if she is), he's a fleshed out character with his own dreams and ambitions and values that, as you can clearly see in how Marin looks at him, wins her over. He's a fully realized, somewhat relatable, well-written male character in a field where you just. do not find that often. I love this show so much I can't wait for more aaaaaaaaaaaaa

rouyrre du colibri

this anime is soooo good Gojo is a good bean and Marin is best girl

Daisy Azuras

Lol I said she needs to suck his dick at the same time as Alicia. And damn, when Alicia gets all emotional and teary eyed it makes me get all emotional and teary eyed.