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JoJo's 6x31

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VJ Sins

I hate to be advocating for the pucci is white comments but the investigator is definitely talking about the fake mom, if it was the real mom he would also talk about Perla and Enrico that way, hell Enrico literally hired the man and the KKK investigator didn't even bat an eye. The mom who stole Wes married a black man.

james blaire

man that chat went very wack on pucci's skin tone, that was a whole ass trivia and no one agreed on what was what, hopefully next time it will be good vibes and fun times rather than stressing out alicia.

Trevor Appel

Pucci didn't tell Weather Report or his sister at first because it would violate the sanctity of the confessional and only told Weather after their sister died because he then subscribed to the cult of Dio

Yagi di Hoshi

"My toes! They're straight!! AND I'M GAY" Pucci's toes were twisted, not just bent. Man this translation. Anime streamers stop rushing your translators challenge.


so enrico and weather are southern Italian so they have a darker skin tone. the P.I is talking about the mother that swapped him out at birth married the black man, thats why the P.I doesnt have an issue with enrico he doesn't know they are brothers.


if you remember back in part 3 star platinum wouldn't let jotaro kill himself the stand subconsciously prevents the user from ending them selves


Yeah Pucci didn't go in the sun more, he just has darker skin than his brother which happens sometimes. I knew a family with one really pale parent, the other was still pale but less so, the daughter was white, but I mean white like 255 255 255 RGB value white, the brother on the other hand looked like he came straight from around the mediterranean (they were from the UK). Genetics is weird.


You are wrong Alicia, none of them are black... What the investigator said was that Weather's "mom" (the one who kidnapped him) married a black man just before she kidnapped him. If the ADOPTIVE mom marries a black man it doesn't suddenly mak ethe baby black. That would be like if your real life mother divorced your dad and remarried a white man, that wouldn't make you white now would it ? Weather and Pucci are biological brothers, Weather was kidnapped at birth. THe two have the same parents (who are white) and Weather's adoptive mom was married to a black man so the investigator (who didn't know Weather was not her real son) thought that he was the biological son of the black man making Weather half black (which he isn't but the investigator doesn't know that).


Watch the whole vid, she knows the investigator is talking about Wes's foster father.

James Decker

They removed it from the anime but in the manga the racist mob are literally the KKK

James Decker

What? We literally see Weather's and Enrico's father in the flashback at the gravestone and he's black.


The whole reason weather and pucci's parents never noticed the swap was because they were two different races. It wouldn't be that uncommon for the skin colors to be that varied between the two. And yes, the man at the grave alongside pucci's mom and sister are definitely his parents. I don't know how you possibly could have missed it, it was in the first 5 minutes of the episode


I didn't miss it, I just said he wasn't black. In the original manga (you know, the canon stuff in black and white) the father has light skin like Weather, the mom and Perla and even light hair. The anime made him have dark skin and dark hair (which, remember, is not canon). Both his parents are white in the manga and that's not up for discussion, it's just a fact, if you don't believe me you can search for the scans online. The only one with darker skin in the family is Enrico. If you want to believe they are mixed and the father was black, cool, that's your head canon the, but it's not the reality. If it was the reality I wouldn't be here debating it, I would just say "yeah he's black". Using the anime as canon material is just wrong. That's like using the LOTR movies as canon instead of the books