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My hero 3x14

Watch "My hero 3x14" on Streamable.


Justin Payne

The new opening shows a handful of new characters we haven't seen yet, but outside of that, I wouldn't say it shows any spoilers. ultimately it's your call whether you wanna skip em or not, but we'll let you know when it's completely safe which should've be too much farther than where we are now


There isn’t spoilers in MHA openings (usually). There isn’t any spoilers in this one. The only thing that could be possibly considered spoilers is the few minor/side character appearances with absolutely no context. There aren’t any fight sequences from the season either so you won’t be spoiled on that. I could be getting op mixed tho, so definitely check what other people say, but from what I can see most people are at a consensus. Really the only thing to think about is if you want to see some of these later to be introduced characters/side characters. They don’t give names, context of their powers or any of that. So you’d just be thinking ‘who are these characters’.


This episode always gets me. Here we got Midoriya. Smart, capable, and a bit uncertain, but always analyzing everything. IMAGINE for just a moment, you realize after broken bones, destroyed flesh, and epic battles, that you do actually own a pair of legs.

Princess Paladin

Imagine modelling your fighting style off of your idol you obsessively followed for nearly your entire life.

Jay (aka Kairukurumi)

The last one literally spoiled Dabi's fire and Toga's needle. Plus All Might vs All for One and some other things


tiny pet peeve, but did they really brush teeth before eating?


Crazy to me that there are people that don't think showing characters you have never seen before in the OP are spoilers, bro, some characters have crazy introductions and being like, "Oh, I have seen him before." can ruin it.