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R&M 1x5

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thank u for the rick and morty


Being fine with selective empathy must be nice


It's funny how not seeing it made it so much worse, since nothing too bad happened, only an attempt to assault from which Morty defended himself, and Rich couldn't explain it properly because he couldn't tell if the bad part was that or all the Meeseeks killing eachother xD


yeah this episode was definitely one of my least favorites like, I dunno that scene is just really unnecessary imo


Wait, you have an issue with her drawing the line at sexual assault against children?


W Rich

Miklar Sihn

I think Jerry deserves some empathy. He does suck, but a lot of it is also that he has no self-esteem and he has nobody who actually cares for him around him. He doesnt do shit to make it better, but lets show Jerry a little empathy.

Miklar Sihn

Now i definitely wont subscribe. Just incase you stop existing when you hit 100000


I think they're talking more about the hate against Jerry, but not too sure

Miklar Sihn

You should be much more clear with what you are attempting to say. This really failed to make any kind of point. Now i am not sure whether there is a point in there... That is really the issue here.


I'm really glad Rich was there to help censor the really horrific scene for you, and that other folks in the comments were thoughtful enough to give some forewarning about it too.

ryu kage

Can't wait for AI to start doing what meseeks did for some people here and people being like "Rick and Morty called it"


he thing about rick is he does care about morty alot

Jacob Harmon

Man, Rich didn’t do any favors for that scene. Should have at least pointed out how bad the jelly bean creep got beaten up, just to try and make ya feel a little better about it. 😭

Jimmy H Lam

Eat edibles, watching you watch Rick and Morty


I don't know about "necessary", but I really like it myself. It doesn't bother me personally in any way. To be honest I think it's funny. I really like the conclusion of it too with him being killed by Rick. But yeah, I can see why it could be triggering for certain viewers.


Also the fact that it didn't go all the way, which I am not sure if she knew that or not.

Ervine Gates

Hey Alicia, I think king jelly bean might have also been a reference to a particular British media personality who was so popular he had statues made of him for his work with children until... well, yeah. Take that info as you will I guess? I don't know if it makes it better or worse if it's a reference honestly.

Kawaii Edgelord

Rich is a fucking champ, taking the heavy blows like that. Also cool community too, I had completely forgotten that scene.


My ex did that to me, what Beth almost did I mean. On my end all seemed fine but she didn't love me anymore and jumped on a relationship the same day she broke up with me. I hope she's happier now but it still hurts being left in the dark. I don't even know if it was my fault or not, and that was six years ago. I had someone else after that but it also ended, albeit in an amicable manner this time.


... I like Jerry :(


To clarify, the MEE6 Discord bot is a reference to Mr Meeseeks. Rick and Morty did it first.