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MHA 2x18

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Wooooot! I have to say my favorite students have always been pinky and red riot.

Vincent Samuel Price

i feel like rather than swerving into a different lane they drove through a crowd to ram a bank thieves car.


All Might seriously has his own voice doing a pun on his catchphrase as his ringtone. Also spooky villians.


I think in all fairness to the police chief, these kids are basically unregulated nuclear bombs, the destruction they could wrought without regulations could cause serious problems.

VJ Sins

Kendou, the ginger haired person who was with Momo is actually non binary btw!


Stain is cool and all, but I can’t stand him as a villain. He’s so ridiculous and hypocritical. Murders heroes indiscriminately just for existing despite many of them being good people and constantly being a melodramatic edgelord.


Staples Man looks like how I feel most of the time lmao Also, yes. Deku's maturity is something I really like about this series.

Tomika Axerail

Now that I think about it couldn't the dude that has decay if he gets strong enough destroy the whole city just by touching the ground.


I like what you said about bending the rules when people are in danger, I've always believed that rules serve the function of protecting people and that when they strop protecting people they should be either bent or reconsidered altogether

Swan Ronson

There's something called Jury equity that I don't think enough people know about. It's when a jury decides that a the defendant did indeed break the law as it's written, but because of the circumstances they should not be punished for it. I'm not a legal expert but I believe (In the UK at least) it's a 3rd thing between guilty and not guilty, kind of like "Technically guilty, but this shouldn't be illegal in the first place".


The point, I would argue, that the police chief is making is that "okay, you did what you felt you had to do, but just because it turned out alright doesn't mean you should be allowed to get off for it Scott free." Especially in this case where if one thing had gone differently they would have ended up with a dead hero and three dead children instead of just one dead hero. Actions being penalized with consequences isn't meant to punish the outcome, it's meant to discourage the action being taken again or by others.


Dude shut up and delete this. Your not cool for commenting this.


"we should break/bend rules to help people!" - chief of police proposes not making incident public to avoid punishment... "Ooooh, we bein' sketchy" lmao


:3 I explained this in a YouTube reply too. It’s in regards to bending the narrative for the public that makes it sketchy. Doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing but it’s like real life when biases and “the betterment” / distribution of info is skeeeeetchy haha


I think chief of police shares a voice with Ainz in sub. I know its true for dub.

VJ Sins

In the novel release of volume 4 theres a talk Kendou does on stage about gender roles and how they dont feel like they fit in eighter


The hero-killer arc has never been my favorite to watch, but i do like it because of the long term consequences it has on the story


I get the idea it's going for, and why it was such a big deal, but the mutt just explained it in just the worst way. Biggest issue for me is him just totally dodging the legitimate question from Shoto "So we should just stand around with our thumbs up our butts doing nothing while people are dieing?" With some stupid and very easy to counter "Well, should you ever break rules?" BS that misses the whole point.


My brother in Christ. Regardless of how others see her is not dependent on how they view herself. If they don’t feel like either fits then then that could mean a multitude of things. They can go by only they/them. Or they might be comfortable with she/they. Hell, they could use he/she/them for all we know. And finally, regardless of how they dress does not define their gender. Non binary folks do not owe you androgyny.


Are you fucking serious bruh?! You literally pay money to see her reactions, why would you want to ruined them?!đŸ€ŹđŸ€Š


Killer villain girl is one of my favourite characters in MHA, she's so much fun to watch


@dj It's not a sexuality it's a gender identity, and it's certainly not weird.. Thirteen (space suit teacher) is also theorised to be NB, and I for one subscribe to it

The Sigil Chronicles

She said the staply ass looks depressed as shit lol, just wait until you get to the later seasons


for those curious, there was a homophobic weirdo being an asshole in here but they got nuked.

donald johnson

i was never homophobic or an asshole. its called being factual and having your own opinion.


Im a bit confused is there a episode mislabeled or was Ep 17 skipped, at least here on the episode order listed here on patreon its skips from 16 to 18 at least ep number wise


Odd, on my phone I see it now. When sorting for my hero on desktop earlier though for some reason it wasn't showing 17. Maybe it was a weird bug on the sort feature or something. Nvm then lol. Thanks for the response 👍

Princess Paladin

Thought experiment: A drunk driver makes it home safely without hurting anyone. Is it fine because it turned out okay? Even though they endangered lives?

Justin Payne

I think the best way to understand the legality of quirk use in the show is to think of them like guns. You've gotta get a special license in order to simply carry a gun around for self-defense, then you need even further training and a special badge to be allowed to use that gun to injure criminals in the name of justice and helping others. Now let's say hypothetically almost everyone had a gun and the law simply couldn't enforce what you have in your possession for some reason, even in that case, it would still be illegal to use that unregistered gun to injure someone, even if that person was committing a crime and you were trying to save someone else. After all, you've never registered it, right? You've never had the years of training to use it properly and minimize risks. Now, once you've been taken to court, they can decide you took the best action you could and acquit you for the crime, meaning you don't have to serve a sentence, but that doesn't make it not a crime and they don't just let you off scott-free because of that. That's kinda what happened with the students here. Sure they saved the day, but that doesn't remove the risks and dangers they created by acting out of line. It's a weird moral grey area for the show because if they made an exception here, there are a lot of exceptions they'd have to make, most of which would do more harm than good.

Depressed Duck Daddy (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-25 12:49:20 Old video but sure what the heck - the law they broke is to deter vigilante justice and for good reason in a society where almost everyone has some sort of power. The kids broke the law. Iida did the equivalent of grabbing an unlicensed shotgun and deciding to hunt down a criminal himself with no legal authority to do so. Deku and Todoroki then knew about their buddy being emotionally unbalanced so they grabbed their unlicensed guns and went to help him take down the criminal. They shot the criminal but he didn't die. That doesn't justify their breaking the law in the first place because things happened to work out this time. Love your reactions but just my view on that take. Laws aren't to be obeyed when they're convenient - if that was the case they wouldn't work. Now obviously there was some mitigating circumstances with them being in training at a prestigious instituation to one day become heroes but the law is still relevant and the Chief of Police was being extremely lenient and generous with his decision - arguably unethical but it worked out for our heroes so t'is all good.
2023-11-24 23:36:27 Old video but sure what the heck - the law they broke is to deter vigilante justice and for good reason in a society where almost everyone has some sort of power. The kids broke the law. Iida did the equivalent of grabbing an unlicensed shotgun and deciding to hunt down a criminal himself with no legal authority to do so. Deku and Todoroki then knew about their buddy being emotionally unbalanced so they grabbed their unlicensed guns and went to help him take down the criminal. They shot the criminal but he didn't die. That doesn't justify their breaking the law in the first place because things happened to work out this time. Love your reactions but just my view on that take. Laws aren't to be obeyed when they're convenient - if that was the case they wouldn't work. Now obviously there was some mitigating circumstances with them being in training at a prestigious instituation to one day become heroes but the law is still relevant and the Chief of Police was being extremely lenient and generous with his decision - arguably unethical but it worked out for our heroes so t'is all good.

Old video but sure what the heck - the law they broke is to deter vigilante justice and for good reason in a society where almost everyone has some sort of power. The kids broke the law. Iida did the equivalent of grabbing an unlicensed shotgun and deciding to hunt down a criminal himself with no legal authority to do so. Deku and Todoroki then knew about their buddy being emotionally unbalanced so they grabbed their unlicensed guns and went to help him take down the criminal. They shot the criminal but he didn't die. That doesn't justify their breaking the law in the first place because things happened to work out this time. Love your reactions but just my view on that take. Laws aren't to be obeyed when they're convenient - if that was the case they wouldn't work. Now obviously there was some mitigating circumstances with them being in training at a prestigious instituation to one day become heroes but the law is still relevant and the Chief of Police was being extremely lenient and generous with his decision - arguably unethical but it worked out for our heroes so t'is all good.


Everyone talking about the Dog and laws, and here I am wondering why Iida made a potentially life changing decision seemingly without talking to his Mother/Brother/Any Pro hero mentor/Teacher.