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OOOOOOO best girl vibes? potential. (not the new girl though I'm still on edge about her)


Love is War 2x4

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Kinda here for Alicia's Anti-Iino arc lmaooo. Also, for context, the flier promises were 1. Crew Cuts for Boys and Pigtails/Braids for Girls being mandatory, 2. Cell phones being prohibited, 3. Weekly bag inspections, and 4. That boys and girls must not come within 50cm of each other at any time. She's kinda old *old* school like that lmao


Really wish the official sub had translated the flier, so many people just wind up confused as to what is so unlike-able about the promises because of the no translation.


Hehe a good start or the Iino Miko Charakterarc :D I am looking forward to it


Thank you for great work you put work in. Hope we se more shows later on! :)


I don’t know what’s up with Kaguya capping on watching things being crushed in a machine press… several years ago I used to be all over the Hydraulic Press Channel.

Hakurei Oni

Yes Miko Iino is here! Gonna be fun to see if you maintain the stance on her in the coming episodes. To be fair I think I'm the only person who liked her immediately, pretty much everyone hates her at first lol. But as a short guy who had to put up a tough guy act in high school, I sympathize with my short feisty queen


Hey Hey a new ep of kaguya? Awesome ^^


yayyyy a new episode of Kaguya!

Yves Bruckmayer

I think because of the way Iino interacted with Ishigami at first you got primed for the whole convo but she actually doesn't say anything rude at all as her first words to the President. The first words exchanged between Iino and the Pres are just him saying "you're top of your classe ey?" and she simply says "Yes, I have been since I entered" and then Pres tries to protect his pride cause he immediately feels outclassed. He appeals to all the other experience he supposedly has to appear in a better light. Which is why they visually show him getting smaller. He feels inferior almost immediately but that's not Iino's fault. That's a character flaw with the Shirogane. You actually point out that he's talking down to her. I don't think Iino is meant to be portrayed as likable in this scene. Not at all. But I don't think she says anything that's that uncalled for. She calles Shirogane's complacency "careless" which you said was insulting. This might just be a personal thing but I don't think that's insulting. Iino is a person with a strong sense of morals according to that scene. She calls things out the way she sees them. She at no point makes an attack at Shirogane as a person. She only calls out his actions where she thinks they're lacking.


I bestow an eternity of praise upon thee.


Part of me wonders if Iino isn't a bit neurodivergent, a little on the autism spectrum perhaps? Takes rules way more seriously than anyone else, feels compelled to speak on matters she cares about and no filter. I can relate to that and I have autism, the kind that would have been called Asperger's in the past. I've been told I can be rude sometimes when I don't mean to be. I don't know, just a thought. I agree she was pretty rude and even if she has a disorder that still not something you can just ignore but perhaps explain at least.


I will add on top for her comment towards Ishigami from what we learn and prior knowledge that while the burnout comment is rude she is the #1 student academically in her grade talking to somebody who is one of the worst student academically in their grade which would still be rude except from Ishigamis comments of knowing who she is despite not knowing any of the names of the classmates he sees daily and how shes able to identify him by the sound of his voice alone shows they at least have some form of history together.

Gas Bandit

If you haven't ever watched the hydraulic press channel (the Finnish one) you are missing out. It is grade A content.