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MHA 2x16

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Gods... I love your examinations of the character depth in this show and how good the development is, and also catching on to one of the core themes going on, especially with Endeavor, does him being a shitbag of a father invalidate all the good he does in being a hero who saves countless lives?


I wanna share my favorite quote from the Black Company series: Evil is relative… You can't hang a sign on it. You can't touch it or taste it or cut it with a sword. Evil depends on where you are standing, pointing your indicting finger. This show does a great job embodying this concept in a lot of characters, both heroes and villains.

Justin miner

I cant stand the term toxic masculinity for the most part its just used by people that say all men are trash lol but the amount of toxic masculinity around deku crying over the years has made me furious. Some people wear their heart on their sleeves. I love deku being like that


The weird, interesting thing about Endeavor is that like, his goals, while selfishly motivated, do run a net positive for society. He wants to produce/train the best hero possible which is fantastic for society at large, like, no one can deny that. Todoroki's entire existence is a net positive for his peers, society, and the world. The means by which he got there tho are *incredibly* fucked up scum shit, and he did do it for, like, selfish, narcissistic reasons. Idk you said it yourself he's a fascinating character. Also hype times out here lessgO also also thank you as always for your hard work :)


I love how you manage this community Queen-Bean :3


21:30 i like your analysis a lot here! one of my favorite things to look at in anime is all the different ways the creators can fit personality, development and style into the way a character fights. The style of a characters fighting can say a ton about them and can tell a story wordlessly.. like how a lot of quirks match personalities..It’s so sick how everyone learns from each other too.. MHA has a lot of cool fight scene details and I’m happy you pick up on them. Awesome vid :3

Princess Paladin

Alicia be like: "Does beating his wife and kid make him a bad guy? I don't knoooowwww" People Who Have Been Abused: YES. YES, IT DOES. ABUSING PEOPLE ISN'T A MEANS TO AN END. IT'S A SERIOUS, CORE EVIL THAT IS IRREDEEMABLE. I meant this will all due respect, of course. Just, not sure if it came across right. It's like... Not angry at you or anything. Just kind of shocked you wouldn't immediately condemn abuse, especially of a child.

Sam Smith

Stain is a problem, he'd be delt with in an instant if Billy Mays was there!


im not sure if its intentional but when deku is talking about the danger the nemu are to the city and how gran torino and iida are in danger it shows iida surrounded by white. normally they would show grey or black to show deku having tunnel vision for his friend, but its white showing he is acknowledging the threat to the city and how he is doing something foolish but is still focusing in on his friend despite everything he knows.

Gavin Thomas

endeavor and bakugo are incednetally good examples of what people mean by that. They aren't evil people but they use their pride to disguise insecurity. also i love seeing cry baby deku, just a full hearted open soul bean being thrown through hell.


Good soup! !❤️❤️❤️


Don't murder, Don't SA, Don't fuck with kids. Easy 3 rules to follow and you're probably an ok. human being.