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MHA 2x9

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I really can't wait for the next episode

Justin Payne

Bakugo really did a "I didn't expect that, but I was expecting not to expect something so doesn't count"

Justin Payne

And yes Midnight's a real perv lol. She's not like explicit about it of course, but it's a lot more obvious in the English dub where she straight up says "such youth! It turns me on!" And stuff like that

Amorphous rodent

Gonna be honest I never thought midnight was creepy. I was always under the impression that since she doesn't have a whole lot of screen time compared to some of the other teachers, her reactions to things were exaggerated. Only watched the sub, maybe it's different in the dub.


Midnight is like Might Guy from Naruto. All about that youth. You've been through something undeserved if you take it the creepy way.


I also think that Midnight is more like you. In my eyes she is enjoying the passion and drive of "youth".

Prof. Walker

I real this is Uraraka at her Peak!

Swan Ronson

This was the episode that made Bakugo my favourite character. He's never bothered to learn anyone's name, always just calling them some nickname based on their appearance. He did the same thing with Uraraka at the start of their match, but then called her by her name when he starts to really get excited about the fight. I'm pretty sure is the first time we see him use someone's actual name in the series, and we don't see it again for a long time after.

Tyler Denny

I think Bakugo really did subtley pay respects to Ura, he actually remembered and called her by her name during the match which has yet to do to any other member of class 1A especially Izuku


Dub Midnight is more of a creep, Sub Midnight just loves the power of youth


Can't believe you managed to stop yourself from recording the next episode as well, that was a matchup you seemed so excited to see!


Sooo i haven't seen the full reaction yet but the comments caught my attention this time. I'll say this on Midnight because I can tell you Alicia one of the issues a lot of people have with My Hero comes from fanbase more than anything. But. . . Midnight is essentially always supposed to be Risque in all ways essentially a borderline crosser (Her Hero Epitaph is even the R-Rated Hero.) Some view it only positive, some only negative but in reality she is purposefully someone who crosses lines often. (it was revealed in a cannon spin off she even does it intentionally to the point her original costume she made in universe got her banned and labeled NC-17 so she had to rework it.)


I’ll always find it funny that the entire basis for people shipping Bakugo and Ochaco is this episode alone. To be fair to them it’s not a horrible thing to base it on. Especially considering how everyone else in this episode barring Deku (but even he at first thought lesser of her if only a little.) treats Ochaco


You were right Alicia in that Bakugo does respect Uraraka or rather came to mid fight, he has been shown to not remember anything from people he considers extras during the cavary fight. Not names, not quirks nothing, but during the fight he calls her by her name and was aware of what her powers did. It's how he shows respect, it's also why he calls Isuku Deku because for his whole life they was just barely unirelavent a quirkless nobody that he actually was aware of.


I think quirks can have a bit of impact on the personality.

Matthew Kwaske

With Midnight, she has the whole sort of kink as an esthetic going on, while her love of youthfulness is because she's at that point in her life where she's in denial of the fact that she's getting older.


So excited for the next episode!


This is often the episode that most people who didn't understand Bakugo beforehand... suddenly get it and like him more. The respect he showed Uraraka is something that takes many people off guard, and really opens their eyes to how he's not as one-dimnensional as some might think. You took a huge W by recognizing the angle of his character VERY early on in S1, but it definitely took lots of people significantly more time XD


I'm so hyped for the next episode


I think people get that vibe off of Midnight because of how she's blushing intensely and stuff while saying it, like she's getting turned on by it.

Jesus Juarez

Midnight is a character who very much makes her whole brand based off her sexual appearance and body but she'll give a reasoning for it later and it was even covered a bit in the prequel manga My Hero Academia Vigilantes. I wouldn't say she's creepy or into the kids, I'm sure she's aware of the way some of them look at her since they're going kids but I think she just loves their youthful energy. How inspiring they can be and overall seeing their development especially in this setting where sges an experienced hero passing on her knowledge and experience to teach abd prepare them. So yeah I'd say she leans into the side of loving kids as like a protector and not in that creepy way since by no point she ever attempts to force herself onto any of the students

Vincent Samuel Price

How about you endevour to eat my ass you second place bitch - deku probably

Ervine Gates

Midnight is "Super creepy" to prudes who are unwilling to let a woman own her own sexuality. It's not "Creepy" to look at two young men doing the stereotypical bro thing and think it's cute as hell. Maybe even ship it a little. It's adorable to think "Oh maybe they some cute gaybs!" for giggles. But she never crosses any lines or sexualizes the students in any way that's inappropriate. Bit of an irony since a lot of her character is about how people prejudge her due to the inherently sexual nature of her quirk.


I kinda thought of Midnight like Might Guy from Naruto, both having an appreciation for the passion of youth.

Prince of the Saiyans

I mean midnight ain’t into children if she was a pervert like that she wouldn’t be working at the school as a teacher but she does enjoy the youth and when characters act more chivalrous and mature about certain situations. She is is the R rated hero for many other reasons but this isn’t one of them.


Midnight's brand is being R rated, she might say some sus stuff bit that's just her comiting to her bit. She doesn't like kids in that way, she loves their passion but verbalize that in her dummy mommy vernacular, even in the dub. Heroes keep up appearances just look at All-Might he's all about appearances, she has her appearance branding.


I love that by the end of the fight, kachan shows respect for uraraka by actually using her name. literally the only person shes called by their given name so far in the series.


So many people started shipping Uraraka and Bakugo off of this episode


Midnight leans into her sexuality for her Hero Persona (like All Might makes himself larger than life) but she's not creepy to the kids - she cares for them a lot and just loves to see them being their best selves. She's definitely more like you in the whole "THEYRE BABIES" than being pervy at them.

Princess Paladin

And yet Mineta is super creepy, not just owning his own sexuality. Curious. Maybe the double-standard you have could stand some inspection instead of labeling people who disagree with you as "prudes" or making wild assumptions about their stance on women's sexuality. She gets aroused by young boys. This isn't at all subtle or misunderstood. Don't try to excuse pedophilia just because someone is a woman. EDIT: Also, her quirk isn't "inherently sexual". What are you talking about? She chose to go this route with her costume and behavior. Just wildly off-the-wall conclusions you've jumped to.

Princess Paladin

Mineta is allowed to stay enrolled despite sexually harrassing, assaulting, and stalking other students and teachers. This is not a world consistent with what the correct thing to do IRL would be. Even in real life, teachers and students will get away with things like that, or have it covered up. Ever hear about the survivors of SA being pressured not to report their attacker because it "would ruin his life"? Because some sports bro has his "whole future ahead of him"? Yeah. That shit happens all the time.

Prince of the Saiyans

My case isn’t that she is a pervert that is getting away with it because that isn’t what’s happening. Midnight is far more than just a teacher she is a public figure as a long time pro hero so if she acted like mineta it would see more consequences as it would be more public. Mineta does his things quietly and more privately and no one seems to care enough to report it. Either way my point still is she doesn’t creep on the students but she is still the R rated hero for other reasons


told u that mfer be lookin like spongebob when he had the suds XD


I think people find Midnight creepy because the dub changes some of her lines to be more sexual in a way. I remember her saying something like, "It turns me on," at one point in the dub during this arc but in the sub she just doesn't say anything like that. She's a sexual character herself but she doesn't show anything but love for the students in a wholesome over the top way


Midnight comes off as a "Ah! youth!" character, with the added hearts and blushing I could understand why it'd be interpreted as creepy, but she just gushes at youth being youthful and doing youth stuff, so cool dialogue like Ida talking about the support girl, or 2 bros being cool manly respectable bros. ah! youth! if she were really a creep she'd be doing it way more, she didn't do it when Todo froze the arena for example. Mineta for example says perverse stuff literally 95% of the time he's on screen. I think she's fine, a bit extra about it, but fine.


Last time I checked, Midnight never sexually harassed the boys, tried peeping on the boys changing, or made unsavory comments towards any of the students, which are all things that Mineta explicitly does to girls throughout the show. So no, I don't believe this is a case of double-standards. Maybe before you start ranting about how wrong others are, you should try to actually make an argument instead of just throwing your opinion on the table and expect us to take it as an indisputable fact.

Ervine Gates

Thank you for beating me to the punch. That's the significant distinction between Midnight and Mineta. Mineta is a sex pest, Midnight is sexual. And also, she chose her costume because of the requirements of her powers, which are going to be interpreted as sexual no matter what she does cause she's a beautiful woman whose powers are activated that way, so she decided to own it rather than be ashamed of it. Don't water down a powerful term like "Pedophilia" by using it so casually.


Oh your arc with Endeavor is gonna be so interesting.


Well Horikoshi is a big Naruto fan. So in his story there are many things that harken back to Naruto or are inspired by it. Midnight obsession with "Youth" is akin to Might Guy's own fixation on that topic. Though she acts far more like a fangirl than Guy did. So I would say that's fine. Also fun fact since I don't think anyone has brought this up before but Midnight was initially conceived to be the homeroom teacher over Aizawa but Horikoshi didn't think she brought enough drama so we got Aizawa instead.


Hey alicia, not sure if you are aware but a handful of episodes have post credits scenes, the next one is at the end of episode 12 of season 2 (there were a handful in season 1, and one in season 2 episode 5)

m dunt

i think the midnight thing could be interpreted as creepy, though i dont think she hones in on a individual more like the passion of youths growing and becoming something is what she loves and her quirk does not match that message lol

Carter Skjerven

She also said “That turns me on” in the dub when the two guys withdrew from the tournament. I don’t think she’s a full on creep but she does act weird with 15/16 year olds.

Amir Shipp

I think you should learn more about the character. It's been said repeatedly that between translation errors and her own naturally flirtatious character, it's easy to cast her different from her intentions. If you're not going to take the character within the context they're meant to be in, then this show is going to be a very difficult watch for you since there are alot of characters that can only best enjoyed with an open minded approach.

Jason Paschal

This episode solidified Ura as my 2nd favorite (Froppy's still #1 for me)

jonathon kennedy

I feel like midnight has her moments, but I don't think she's targeting anyone with it. An example of a moment for midnight was in the beginning of the sports festival she talks about the opportunities or something like that that the kids will be presented with in this festival, and then proceeds to follow it up with her licking her lips...


i mean midnight never exclaims that she loves the students when she gets hearts around her, she is always talking about youth itself. she clearly owns her own sexuality and I think she loves seeing others own their own traits.

Ryan Lamarre

Notice at the start of the match Bakugo was like "you make things float, right?" and called her "round face" but by the end he was calling her by name, Uraraka. A shift in Bakugo's respect for her and everything she threw at him.

Tachyon Fast

You’re gettin too good at predicting the future…


It's kinda annoying how bakugo's behavior is always excused or defended by the authorities in his life. His bullying of Deku was excused and outright ignored by teachers and parents who only added to his inflated ego by heaping praise on him simply because he could blow things up with his hands. Him getting his pride hurt doesn't really do much for him except fuel is violent nature. They mention how he was holding back, but then say the floaty girl directed his attacks by coming in low. Which is it? Was he aiming to avoid her directly, which we see him going for her body which is still made of flesh that can easily be torn about by shockwaves, or was she trying to direct his shots low? Bakugo honestly needs to get his teeth kicked in by one of the many students who are stronger and smarter than him. He refuses to accept he isn't the top shit and that's leading him to become a villain. He already has a bloodlust that puts every other villain we've seen to shame. He needs to be humbled. Like seriously humbled. I'm talkin questioning his life and whether he has what it takes to be more than just a spoiled, loud mouthed punk. He needs to feel what he put deku through for years. If he doesn't, he'll just be a cheap character with a bad writers version of character development, i.e. "he suddenly stopped being a massive chode".

Bolo The Wise

month late but this almost had to be said, "They mention how he was holding back, but then say the floaty girl directed his attacks by coming in low." It.. was both. she had him aim low to hit the stage with her so she could get scrap. and he wasnt outright trying to kill someone, if he was, he would have used that big blast at her instead of the rubble. when its over he doesnt act smug or talk any shit about being #1. they have medics and are told to not worry about injuries from jump. stop being that person.