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gundam 1x22

Watch "gundam 1x22" on Streamable.



I like how they design calibran Gundam especially the weapon for it looks more like a witches broom it’s very fitting

Geth Who

This whole opening fight really illustrating why kinetic weapons are the best in space. Fuck yo' particle emissions and guidance systems, give 'em a metric-ton titanium slug at Mach Eight. Can't reprogram inertia. Suletta giving off real Steve-Rogers-becoming-Captain-America vibes in that synch test - I mean Permet score trial run...also IS THAT AUTISTIC REPRESENTATION I'M SEEING IN M'BOY ROUJI OMG Fantastic to hear you're starting Iron Orphans soon!

Geth Who

Saaaame, I'm kinda hooked on the booster/weapon attachment they've got on the Gundnodes, with the extra bits and the multiple sword arms.


It sucks you got spoiled about her becoming the Holder again. But other than that, I knew you would love this episode. It's kind of fitting that Calibarn basically has a mecha broom considering the witch motif. There is so much to like in this episode, Sully reaching level 5, Chu-Cho going manual basically, and Guel going back to his OG mobile suit from episode 1. Seeing Sully in pain from level 5 felt unnerving, given her previous experience with Aerial and Eri taking the load off her. And Luada losing it and going after Mio is going to cause problems, last thing we need is a Cain and Abel situation here, wonder how well he will handle the data storm. Also, the fencing duel between Guel and Sully is a call back to the original Gundam show, though I won't say anything else regarding it. Additionally, the Assembly Fleet at the start of the episode was the second wave of their attack, it failed slightly less than their first attack, only 1/3 of their forces were wiped out this time, that's a 66% improvement. But we now have Mio and Sully back together and they're off to fight Prospera and Eri.

Geth Who

XD Maybe if this was Looney Tunes, but given they'd have launched it with bigger ones...


Also, I don't think Sully will die, but I do think Calibarn will probably cripple her and she will require GUND technology to survive.

Geth Who

I did like the little pose on Suletta when she scored that hit on G. That was a cute version of the meme.

Sven Hegenbart

Will be honest Im super afraid for Suletta making it out alive this season. Will already be happy if she "only" gets handycapped Damn how much Trauma you wish for Gule damn guy about to kill the rest of his family and wont even get the girl in the end for all that trouble


Man I hate that I was right on with Guel fighting Lauda. I hope that he can make his bro see sense and avoid killing him... but this is a Gundam series so it's a longshot.

Sharles Davis Kendy

Fun fact on the fencing scene: Guel went for the antenna, Suletta went for the cockpit. Just like his fight with his Dad.

Frank Stendal

I can't believe I'm shook up over a tomato

Sharles Davis Kendy

I lot of people seem to expect Suletta to die in the end, or at least be crippled, and while that's certainly possible, it's just not the vibes I'm getting. I feel like this show is gonna end in a wedding. And Eri will be there, inhabiting something other than a giant robot.


Now we have people hiding behind Suletta. Character growth!


they put so much effort into the SulettaxMiorine handholding, it was beautiful… NOW LET THEM KISS YOU COWARDS


ngl I couldn’t care less about Lauda 😂 I hope he dies before he can hurt anyone important


tbf why is he even there? There's been no mention of him working with Prospera, it seems like hes just there to give Guel more ptsd

Princess Paladin

I'm very sorry. I thought you had already seen the episode when I posted that picture. I'm never sure if you watch through to the art at the end, which is why I post it. I've tried asking several times without getting an answer. You know how much I hate spoilers and how much I try to stop people from spoiling you.


Miorine is her own person. She’s basically been a pawn for other people’s political games her whole life, but she’s still desperate for her own agency. Guel’s smart enough to know that Suletta’s the one Mio really loves. That’s why he offered to duel like that and why he clearly threw the match. You’re not entitled to someone else just because you’ve been through “trouble”.


The Calibarn's design is so clean. Its straight fire. I popped off so hard when I realized it was a broomstick. Guel 'lost' again this episode to Suletta. I hope it doesnt turn out like the first half where Guel loses to Suletta but when fighting family he wins (kills). Their brotherhood is too pure and wholesome for gundam. Side note: the designer of the Lfrith and the Aerial once talked about how his original design for Aerial was approved, but they asked him to cut out the overt witch references. I feel like Sunrise kept it in their backpocket for this reveal.

Ace of Blades

I'm not gonna lie, I cried at the Calibarn reveal of having the broomstick with the remixed music from season 1 - like this is Suletta as she was meant to be, free and making her own choices. Calibarn might be the first gunpla I buy when it comes out.

Cthulhu Polar

You heard her start making a Alicia out of context video.