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oshi no ko 1x9

Watch "oshi no ko 1x9" on Streamable.



Thanks for the reaction Alicia :)

Princess Paladin

oh, oh. don't know if you noticed, but Frill was talking about how much she was attracted to MEM-cho, and was like, "If I was one of the male cast members I would have pinned her down." i was like, "whoooooah, this girl's thirsty"


Hi!~ (Yus I'm here too), but the part that hurts about Kana singing is the fact she states earlier almost all the projects after her child phase went in the red includes her singing career. Essentially like you mentioned earlier with YouTube shorts she wasn't able to cross over properly She's so negative because commercially she had already failed as a singer


No gonna lie I didn't connect that with the songs she released but that makes so much sense. She's a great singer, both by the music video and her karaoke score but she's so used to being the "washed up and past her prime" that's she internalized it. It's so sad.


Aging out of being an "idol" must be tough. Thank goodness it's not the same in J-rock---I get to see a stop on Band-Maid's 10th anniversary tour in August.

Sylke Gosen

You are cute in a gremlin sort of way. You can use a onesie model for watching yuru camp or something like that if you have never watched that before.

Sven Hegenbart

What I saw no one reacting to is that despite Kana acting so hostile to Aqua she still picked up the same book that he was reading in school. Also love hoe she has a different outfit each ep


The sadness when i realized today that Oshi no ko is 11 episodes not 12 so now its ending in two weeks :( man im gunna miss this show its been so good.

Frank Stendal

I would 100% buy a Baking Soda shirt


yea Frill was so aggressively bisexual in that scene talking bout all the beautiful women and guys talking bout how this girl had her thirsting and this guy had her heart racing

Jason Paschal

In regard to the whole thing about playing a part, and not being yourself, I think that it works for some and not for others. Being honest, I watch because you strike me as just being forthright and yourself. I won't pretend I know you really, but how you speak and open up about things and make stupid jokes is the appeal for me. There's some irony that among the people I do watch, it's the VTuber that is among those I feel are the most "real". I do get the whole "don't meet your idols" thing; I've had a number of opportunities to meet musicians and performers that I enjoyed and there's been a few occasions where they were just kinda shitheels.


Maybe you are just an interesting person and people find your personal commentary to be interesting, have you ever thought about that? :D The "pretending to be a persona" might work for a lot of people, but like in all things, there is always a niche for everybody (and I don't think that being yourself is a niche at all). I'm not sure if this will be rude, but I don't consider you an idol at all and I don't like the concept of idols very much at all. Your VTube model is just a physical persona and probably an eye candy too. Let's be honest, there is also the point that nobody is truly "themselves" as everybody always wears a mask that changes depending on who you are interacting with. That "mask" that you use with your friends is different from the one you use with others or with your family. Each mask is you, yet no one is.