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Hey there patreon beans,

I had a really bad health day today and couldn't get any of the recordings I wanted to get done tackled. I'm sorry for that. Cancer treatment is really hard on my body and I can't really anticipate when it's going to knock me out for a full day or when I can function.

I will do my best and still upload daily! But I don't know how many videos I can do a day while not feeling well. I'm going to head back to sleep now I just wanted to communicate why I didn't catch up to the uploads that I planned to do D:

Love you all and thanks for your continuous support!


Lemon Rat

Girl take your time and rest lol


all goodge. take care of urself and


Thanks for the update. I'm sending you some cosmic energy. Take your time to take it all in and get well (I made sure it's cheese flavored for easy consumption).


Your health is more important than anything else

VJ Sins

Rest up Alicia, don't push yourself. If you can't you can't, and thats ok.

Cat Punch Man

I hope you can sleep soundly like a baby Yoda.


This is very understandable, hoping for a smooth recovery!


No worries! Rest well!


Unavoidable. Hope you start getting better.


As always, your health takes top priority. <3

Holly Gidge

Feel better, rest well your health comes first!!


Dont worry take your time to rest


Be well, and take care.


Your health is more important than our entertainment. Take it easy.

Ervine Gates

We're here cause we want to support you Alicia "Just a little bit extra." You're fine, we want you as healthy and happy as you can be.


Idk if I’ve said it here or not, but in case I haven’t, THERES NO NEED TO APOLOGIZE WHEN YOUR BODY’S BEING A SHIT.


Fuck content, just take your time to get better.


Take your time! No pressure. Please get well soon.

Tom "Yuki" Jenkins

Don't worry about it, your health comes before content! I hope you get better! You got this!

Yagi di Hoshi

You've been on a roll, take it easy & rest gewd


Hakuna matata