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gundam 1x18

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That's it, you're all caught up now, and thus you must suffer the painful weekly waits like the rest of us... that was not meant to sound malicious, and I will just stop.


Surely, Suletta can only go up from here.... right????


On a side note, it is pretty funny how we are 18 episodes in and this is the first episode where we see Suletta do normal school stuff lol. The closest thing before that was maybe the mobile suit training in episode 4.


So, I'm not sure you saw it, but there was a small story, Star of the Cradle, released not long after the prologue was that was between the prologue and episode 01. It was from Ariel's pov, who now know is Eri, and a big part of it was how she didn't want her mother dragging Suletta into her revenge plot but couldn't communicate. In hindsight it's clear Eri wanted to protect her little sister yet also help her mother get revenge, and now that she is free, she can share this. But like Mio and Guel, she didn't tell Suletta why she left her behind. Eri was even begging Suletta not to go to Asticassia so she wouldn't get involved, but couldn't be heard, she was helpless as she watched everythign transpire.


They changed his hairstyle.


This episode left me at a loss for words. I truly did not know what to say after it. After every episode I usually send my friend a text to hype them up to watch it. But I legit had nothing to say, but "... Damn". It was so good, but so painful. I think that all this baby and birth imagery with Suletta as a baby, her in the fetal position in the cockpit (womb) of the Aerial, and her being 'released into the world' from the cockpit crying is meant to indicate that this moment is her [re]birth. From here, It has to be a new Suletta. Hopefully one that the world will not hurt so much so often.


I'm ready for ChuChu to go on a rampage against everyone who made Suletta cry. I just wish everyone who has left her behind would just explain why, even though Suletta would still try to help.


I got a really weird, "I'M the real daughter" vibe from Eri at the end. It almost seemed like she was manipulating Prospera, too - "What if we included her?" / "Oh, no, she needs to be free, not with us." / "I guess you're right." Could be way off, but it felt really weird.

Princess Paladin

yes, Alicia! all aboard the Chuchu train!


Commander Kenanji is the man who killed Eri's dad in episode 0. Only good things can come from them being in close proximity on earth, I'm sure. There's no way at all Aerial won't just pull him apart like a bug for who he took from her.


Her mother, her fiancé, and now her sister have all pushed Suletta away. Nothing like abandonment trauma to build character!

Princess Paladin

dumped by her girlfriend, her mobile suit, and her mom. just waiting for Earth House to somehow abandon her too.


I appreciate that Prospera actually cares about Suletta in her own way. It is a nice wrinkle for her character as opposed to making her cartoonishly evil and having her reveal she hated her all along or something. She is still a terrible mother to her for all the manipulation and this abandonment, using her as a tool, et cetera, but it is nice that she and Eri intended for Sully to live a normal life once she had exhausted her usefulness as a pilot. Also cannot wait for Sully to finally assert her wants and will to all these people who keep abandoning her “for her own good”. Stop deciding for her, y’all!

Sven Hegenbart

atleast they spared us a "happy Birthday" this time or i couldnt have make it through the ep xD Interesting to see if Eri or mom will do something against the commander as he killed the dad

Scott Tyson

Time for Punished Suletta. Everyone keeps making choices for her thinking it's the best for her. This is where she comes into her own and choses how to live her life.


On the plus there is absolutely no where for Suletta to go but up.

Brandon Rodriguez

as a long time Gundam fan im so worried as this is the first time I have been worried that the main character might attempt self-destruction at this point. Hopefully, that is not the case but this is a broken Suletta and there's very few paths I think she can take without some external help.

Sharles Davis Kendy

In space, no one can hear your whole world fall apart. Random thoughts about next episode: Kenanji is heading into a warzone with the most powerful killing in the world, now piloted by the daughter of the man he killed in the prologue, whose murderous aura was felt so intently by Sophie. I'm sure that's gonna end up great. Suletta is now at Plant Quetta with the unconscious Delling, without Miorine or Prospera to interrupt anything that may happen if he awakens.


I don't want Suletta to easily forgive them. They need to go through hell (or through one of Guels Tuesdays) to make getting her trust back even remotely satisfying. Yeah they were "doing it for her own good" but it was needlessly cruel to someone that they know is psychologically damaged and emotionally dependent. The series is dead to me if Suletta accepts a simple apology or worse, the show acts like she needs to prove her worth to them. So far the show hasn't let me down but I've just been noticing a pattern in a lot of other recent shows where there is little to no payoff for what should have been big emotional moments.