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gundam 1x14

Watch "gundam 1x14" on Streamable.



Yep, the reveal that AErial is LITERALLY family. Big Sis Eri.


Sully’s cool giant robot sister.


We kinda got a hint about Eri back in a novel that came out prior to this show, filling in the years between episodes 0 and 1 where Eri tries to tell their mother that she doesn't want Suleta involved in the plan. I'm really curious to know if I'm reading into the ending too much, where Aerial shoves her hand into Suletta's chest, and infuses her with something. And then at the end, when her and Miorine are dancing together, Eri cups them into her chest.

Princess Paladin

the full ED isn't in this ep, sadly T_T you'll catch the rest next time! but yes, i've been waiting for your reaction to the new ED forevvvvver. i thought you would love how artistic and pretty it is.

Sven Hegenbart

yeah it always a big questions as the attack was 21 years ago but Sally is just 17 so now they confirmed that Eri is the suit. LOve the mom she is the biggest player out there. Cant wait to see more of the setup for her being the last boss


Love seeing Gundam back <3

Sharles Davis Kendy

I'm being vague but this TECHNICALLY counts a spoiler, so I figured I'd warn but... You should prepare yourself psychologically and emotionally for the next two episodes. For you in particular, it's going to be tough.


I'm so excited for you to see the next few episodes.



Chris Luna

This mother feels so different than the mother on the prologue episode. Makes me think that this mother is a clone or someone else entirely.

Frank Stendal

Get in the EVA, Suletta