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^u^ sleepy bean


AOT 4x24

Watch "AOT 4x24" on Streamable.



Saw the notification and it was an insta-click 👁👁💗


I can’t wait for your reaction to the special aaaaaa

Rick Baron

Finally, the dark times of content drought are over, LONG LIVE THE QUEEN


"Hey its Annie! She's directly killed my friends, allies, & tons of innocents, but look at her fat pieface LOL"


God, I love this show. But I love rewatching it with Alicia even more. Thank you.

Barnabás Mucsi

The avangers have assambled and they now ready to stop Thanos...I mean Eren to massacre half...I mean the entirity of humanity outside the island.


Jean's comment about the ashy bones does refer to that scene in season 1 when they were burning the bodies of their comrades, but he was talking about Marco specifically. "Hey Marco... I can't even tell which bones are yours anymore."


the enemy of my enemy is my ally, maybe the side effect of Eren genicide plan is to make paradis and marley become ally and live a happily ever after kind of life i think, idk could be wrong

Puige Hanovo

Connie sometimes copes with jokes in tough situations. He did the same in s3p2 when he joked about Eren's house.


Oh my bad. That reference makes me tear up every time though, so good!


Dunno if Editor reads Patreon comments, but your a real one Mr. Editor, thanks for your work! And thank you, as always Alicia for the episode! Always one of the best parts of my day when you post. :D I got nothing big brained and witty to say about AOT or this episode other than it was so GOOD.


"How is Levi gonna hold his blades, if he got no fingers?" - when you said that, I instantly thought of Levi holding them in his toes. Then I remembered Killer B from Naruto. Bakayaro, konoyaro.

Joey Cat

More AoT from the Queen! Connys situation man, I wouldn't know how to deal with that.The fandom is so split for a reason, cause all these different perspectives all have merit behind them and being on either side doesn't make you pure evil or anything since there is so much history and tragedy that lead to these moments, what a masterclass in writing.

david ammerman

Classic annie. Boots reiner in the head to wake him up lol she hates him 😹


Please do not over do it. Stay strong but do your breaks. Get well soon :)


im mad at how hard hitch want to be a main character and they like NA I RAN IN TO THE PROTAGS, BYE BISH. 😭😭😭 cmere hitch ill eat some of that pie..........ayo wait a minute...na im down for that too actually


Ashy bones... My mans still got Marco the goat on his mind