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JJ 5x37

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Sean (silentblod)

G.E.R ability: NU UH, anything yoy do he can revert back to 0 Everything back to how it was forever


Mirroring what some others have said, GER is no mere time-rewind ability. All requiems manipulate the soul somehow, in SCR it swapped souls. GER "resets all actions intended to be made to zero," in effect, gold experience prevents the soul (decision maker) from taking any actions, specifically, those actions the stand evaluates as threats to Giorno. Quotes from this ep, "the righteous actions taken on account of that truth will never be foiled," (friend's good actions will materialize) "or are they (boss' actions) a product of shallowness and evil," (which will not materialize). In other words, it's evaluating the intention of the soul. What is this "truth"? Currently, an uninjured Giorno has the arrow, not whatever the boss foresees.


how can you say ALL requiems affect the soul, we have only ever seen 2, unless you count BTD but that doesn't affect the soul.


its never been said that ger affects the soul. and requiem works by giving the stand the ability to do whatever the person wishes the most when using the arrow for instance giorno wanted to defeat diavolo so the arrow granted him the ability to do so by removing the cause and effect of the ability.

Oscar Wright

Dw guys GER is easy. It just resets anything. The timeline gets reset, along with things like state of matter. The most important thing it resets is will power. Meaning Diavolo's premonition is useless, cos GER will eternally reset his actions, meaning he cant do anything.

Kawaii Edgelord

Enjoy the ride, maybe after a few re-watches you'll feel like you understand it and start fighting people on the lore of this ridiculous bizarre series. lol


Fuck explaining, Bites the dust was like the intro to how a fate controlling stands works but King Crimsion and Golden Experience Requiem are like a college thesis paper. after part 6 if you look back on how King Crimson and GER work it will make a lot more sense.


Evan, In the JOJO A-GO!GO! artbook, made by Araki himself (so it's canon), states the ability is "The strength of an attacker's will and actions will be reverted to zero." Other sources translate "will" as "motive." Similarly, on the GER stats page, there are a few notable lines, for example, "In front of the requiem, the heavy spirit of all enemies is powerless. The enemy will never get the results of his own will forever" (Translated from Japenese). I'd also recommend watching a video on youtube called "Gold Experience Requiem Explained", by Brandon Alexander, to hear your thoughts on it.


GeoGoose, I haven't seen an interpretation out there to that effect, but if you have a source for that I'd be happy to view it. I'm not saying only 1 view is correct, but giving Giorno an ability based on what he wants at the time he used the arrow is new to me. I didn't perceive an intention when Polnaref's stand was pierced by the arrow, even though he intended to pick it up with SC and may have had a particular wish, it's not mentioned.


I finally get to comment that Giorno the son of Dio has defeated Diavolo. Meaning the son of God has defeated the devil!

Barnabás Mucsi

Gold Experience Requiem is the opposite, the anti-thesis of King Crimson. While KC predicts the future and jumps to the conclusion GER negates every action with the end point of those actions and returns you to the 0 point where you started. It's not time travel, it's literally puts you back to the starting point.


Jesus has always been a JoJo reference and always will be


I already started laughing when Ant said "It's almost me!", but Alicia's delayed reaction sent my sides into orbit.


Alicia has embraced the absolute truth of King Crimson. IT JUST WORKS

Android 89

GER (Gold Experience Requiem) for dummies It has been described as having the power to reset things to zero. What is zero then? Zero is the point of before the ability activates. It undoes everything that happened once the ability is active, while leaving people none the wiser that something even happened. In simplest terms, it can be compared to King Crimson. King Crimson removes cause from effect. GER removes effect from cause. The perfect inverse of King Crimson


GER essentially just resets every action its enemy takes. Also y'all paused and stopped the ED *right* as a change happened 🥹


so excited about part 6


Ant asked for no more time travel and for time to break. This man is some sorta ìdiot savant my guys.


I also wanna add that my favorite headcanon with the ending of this episode is that it took them I believe an extra week or two for the next two episodes to come out so I always find it hilarious to imagine Giorno was punching Diavolo for 2 to 3 weeks straight LMAO

Golden Witch Beatrice

Simplified way to explain what just happened and what will happen in the next episode, “Omnipotent bullshit”. I love Jojo but Jesus does the creator have the trippiest ideas of creating abilities. And from what the manga readers be not subtly hinted at is that it only gets bigger brained after this😭😭😭


How I see it, GER basically resets everything, try to punch reset it to where it’s standing there, shoot a gun resets it to where it had bullets, this makes GER the strongest stand

Yagi di Hoshi

Giorno (Jesus): "Get behind me, Diavolo (Satan)" Gold Experience Requiem: IT JUST WINS


G.E.R is the Golden god of anime


This episode is lots of fun, but I can see how it'd be confusing for a first time watch! I was definitely confused AF my first time, I didn't really know how to feel. But I was also stoned off a huge edible when I watched the latter half of part 5 sooooo


GER is basically a glorified NO button


Oh nah Doppio is gone, he died inside of Bruno's body, the future sight ability has always been Diavolo's, he just allowed Doppio to use it


T-Time travel?


King Crimson sees Fate and erases it's effect on his user, Diavolo. In response to that Gold Experience Requiem resets all evil directed towards Giorno to Zero, Even if it is Fated it will not come to pass. If Fate is the Truth of the world, then his enemies will never reach the Truth. Both Diavolo and Giorno have Fate manipulation powers, but only Giorno walks a righteous path. That is why he made allies, and that is why those allies have propelled him to virtual Godhood. Diavolo is alone and cares not for others distrustful and suspicious of all which is why he's in this situation. What's more is that Giorno doesn't know this. Gold Experience Requiem is a stand with it's own mind and will, and it chose not to reveal it's full power to him at that moment.

VJ Sins

So, perhaps the worstly explained power is GER, essentially it just makes any action taken aginst giorno be not taken. It reverts everything to its starting point, to a zero.


Epitaph (the ability to see the future) is part of King Crimson, it was not Doppio's stand. Gold Experience Requiem's ability is basically like "nuh uh" and shit doesn't happen. That's why ai don't really like the ending of part 5, JoJo manages to mostly stay away from the shounen trope of "I'm stronger now so I can defeat you thanks to my new power". It was a bit the same with part 3 but done better. (But that's just my opinion)

VJ Sins

Or to a simpler description, Gold Exp. Requiem is just that one kid at the playground who makes himself overpowered during pretend play Diavolo: "I erase time!" GER: "NUH UH, I uhh reverse the time you erased! I shoot you with a lazer!!"


I kinda agree but i think the last 2 episodes give the ending a really cool, unique twist and make up for the final fight being rather short and a bit more generic.


I just bought pistachio ice cream, cause W Ant.


Golden Experience Requiem's Ability is not directly linked to time and more so to fate. Essentially, even if he is fated to lose (as seen in King Crimson's Premonition), Giorno can just say: "Nope, didn't happen, I win, you lose"

The Patriot Patron

By the way, you guys were right about King Crimson being Diavolo's stand and Epitaph being Doppio's stand but it's a little more complicated then that because of their nature. Instead of the two getting completely separate stands they sort of fused together and became one stand with two powers. So even though Doppio is dead, because Epitaph is fused to King Crimson Diavolo can still use it.


Is this said anywhere? I always assumed they were both Diabolo's because well, Diabolo has to actively give Doppio permission to summon either and Diabolo can always summon both

The Patriot Patron

So I haven't found an official official confirmation of it but evidence throughout the story kinda proves this point. As for why Doppio needed permission it's because if you look at Epitaph compared to King Crimson it is much smaller on the body, which reflects how Diavolo has all the control in their relationship. So essentially it can be seen as Diavolo keeping Epitaph's power from Doppio unless he deems it necessary.


Seems like the Golden Experience Requiem ability is just a Ctrl+Z applicable to reality: no matter what you try to change, it can automatically cancel what you did, reverting everything you changed back to square one. Therefore, fate becomes "inescapable".


Part 6 is a bit easier to follow with the powers. ^^; Thank you for the reaction <3


Both of you are wrong. It's not a hornet, bug, bee, or wasp. It is simply a bastard. Nothing more. On a separate note, GER can basically be described as, "You think you did x, y, or z? No you fucking didn't. Go back to the start, bitch." It is the simplest possible explanation I can give for it, given that I have just woken up and am not capable of complex thought.

Neo Don

Lol Giorno entire thing was with his stand was life force of things and to give it life. With GER, this is basically control of intent of that life and what it wants to do. And if GER doesn’t like, that intent you wanted to do is basically becomes nonexistent. Even if it was Fated to happened.


OMG ALICIA Why weren't you more surprised when Giorno stabbed his stand with the arrow?! Did you see what was gonna happen in the opening or something??


Hell yeah! I managed to get caught back up before the part 5 finale!


u guys think diavolo power is confused ? wait for part 7


The best way I heard Gold Experience Requiem described is basically just Giorno, or technically GER, can just cancel out other abilities, so when Diavolo tried to skip through time, he saw what should have happened, but Giorno just said, "No, that didn't happen"


GER's Power TLDR: It undoes all actions that GER recognizes as hostile, it doesn't rewind time; it's because King Crimson's ability affects time that it did that to undo the action.

冯河 暴虎

What I understood about GER's power is: there is a result for the action of someone or something, GER will make you repeat the action(process) but never get the result. For example, Alicia wants to sleep, GER attacked her, so Alicia can't sleep doesn't matter how sleepy she is. Or let's say Alicia is hungry, her action is eating cheese and her result is getting full; if GER attacked her, she could never be full, even if she eats every single piece of cheese in the world.


Essentially, GER renders any action it chooses useless. A perfect ability for the son of DIO.


yes, and no lol, here is a simple short vid about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeGQfiMeLcM


19:38 Hi, Alicia's mom!