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jj 4x26

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Ace Skeletonne

i would hazard a guess but i dont think discord nitro is worth trying to out ant like that

Grei Glace

Kishibe Rohan is goals fr fr

Joey Cat

Well...didn't think I would come into this and learn what a sex oyster was, but here I am. CILF was as shook as me. XD For whatever that story when CILF was muted we need someone good at reading lips to find out what that story was asap, try and read that tiny mouth.

Joey Cat

I'm just gonna take a shot in the dark and guess its CILFS skin cause I vaguely remember a conversation about his feet and dry skin or something, but with how Queen reacted it might be more to do with something more...private

Rick Baron

I think ANT was talking about having eczema or someting like that, but from Alicia's reaction to it i guess he said he has it on his booty cheeks, his ass or scrotum or even his pp


Respectfully, Ant needs to start his own Patreon where he shares his personal stories. I'd subscribe to that.


Also, If I had to guess as to what Ant had... I'm gonna guess Ant has a pimple on his pp. 🧐


I have already won this game in the only way possible. I decided to not think about it.


Genital warts, or rash between balls and thighs. 🫠

Bowie Jenne

I thought roshambo was supposed to be the sport where two men kick each other in the dick.


Hey, is it me or is the episode uploaded on youtube but not patreon ?


If you mean episode 27, yeah, same here. I thought I saw it briefly, but then I couldn't find it and thought I'd imagined it.