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:D more jojo's baby it's money time!!!


jj 4x18

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Duwang moment! Josuke you are crazy! Where did you dignity and pride go! Make everybody happy :)


this episode is when i realized this season was ed, edd, n' eddy


I feel like what I like about Josuke,okuyasu,coochie and sketchy is them feeling like their age. The seem the most realistic in this series

Grei Glace

yo what fantasy land are you in where a snickers is less than half a dollar

Secco Mode

We do have Bueno bars in america at least where I live, they are amazing


that's the 90s. back in the day chocolate bars for full size ones were 50 cents :D that was my point

King Crimson

Fun fact: Shigechi is voiced by thye same dude who made the monkey noises for Forever back in part 3. He's also the VA foe L from Death Note.

VJ Sins

Josuke was just trolling them, he was acting dramatic as if even Kameyu didnt give them money, like the other shops, but he actually did get it

VJ Sins

Kinder is a Europen company, owned by Ferrero, another European company


The story about your friend got me all teared up. Honestly you're such a kind person deserving the best in the world and hope you beat cancer's ass in the face

Ace Skeletonne

funny that you guys like the Chase opening song so much, i like it as well but its considered the least popular opening song in the fandom, i guess its very different compared to any other jojo opening

Ace Skeletonne

also shigechi weighs more than jonathan joestar lmao

Zanath Kariashi

And now the best stand finally appears. While there's definitely stands with cooler abilities, if i could choose any one of them, it would probably be Harvest simply due to it's utterly ridiculous utility value. It's main limitation is the knowledge/creativity of it's user.


Pre- or post-timeskip? 'Cause I could see it pre, Jonathan was still a teenager and fictional weights be funky like that (Homer Simpson's given weight is only in the 200 pound range despite being fat being one of his defining characteristics), but post-timeskip would be ridiculous, Jonathan is way too tall and muscular. lol


im fully aware this comment is 8 months old but tbh my handwriting is so shit i could not use heavens door at all