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mob 2xova

Watch "mob 2xova" on Streamable.


Jacob Harmon

I think this is the first Mob thumbnail in a long time that Alicia isn’t weeping over them just being babies. I haven’t seen the OVA yet, but I think that’s sign that it’s gonna be a good one. 👀

Jacob Harmon

Edit: I’m like 10 seconds into the video and it’s already “Look at these cute winter babies!” I love this woman. 😆

Joey Cat

A nice chill episode, thanks for the uploads Queen :)


I love the beef that ritsu and reigen have its so funny

Nuclear Boarhead

Alicia is so thirsty for Reigen (and like, same). I was amazed she didn't pause when he was in the bath, then totally unsurprised when she finally realized what happened and went back lmao. Love your mob reactions, so hyped for you to see season 3! Even if it's a bummer it's ending, all the best stories need to know when and how to end, and Mob's story is a perfect example! Though I'd also suggest either on the channel or in your own time, checking out the review of each season from Totally Not Mark on youtube. His videos were an excellent deeper look into the series and gave me even more to appreciate about it.