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from back in November or December D: AHHH so sorry it took so long and thank you for waiting!


no evil

Watch "no evil" on Streamable.


Lotus Gramarye

props on Alivia for recognizing furry stuff as being non-sexual. there are plenty of kid furries. most notable one I think of is violent j's (insane clown posse guy) daughter. there's a lot of stuff on social media of him supporting his daughter and getting her a fursuit and taking her to cons n stuff.

Rick Baron

I'm not a furry but i can recognize there's wholesomeness in the community, sadly there's also a lot of degeneracy going on in it, that's why I don't think kids should be involved in it, until they are 18, but that's just my outsider's perspective

Vissarionas Mylonas

Reminded me of some very old cartoons . But understand nothing.. XD. I'm so confused.

Kenneth McGill

I saw this and had a weird what feeling. I love no evil and was recently rewatching it. I thought my brain blended the two together.


I loved this animation series when I was younger, it gets better as it goes along as the artist and voice actors improve


Most online communities should be kept away from people under 18 to be fair lol

james blaire

i feel like that coyote going nya is alicia's spirit animal lol i also just think he's best boi and damn i love my music n these notes n songs hittin hard to me


I’m glad you enjoyed it and got most of the jokes. OMG I LOVE HUEY TOO💕 he is such a fun lovable silly smart character. I’m sorry if the names are tooo long sometimes, xD they are Aztec based Names. However, each character has nicknames. Huey = huehuecoyotl, Kitty = Kajortoq, etc. Funny enough the darkness is called Black Ick 😝 = Black Tezcatlipoca. But yeah this show drops BARS.


I've never even heard of this before, but it's so interesting! I really like the animation and music, and I'm excited to catch up with the rest of this series myself later on. Thanks to you and the one who redeemed this for introducing this to me :)


Enjoy binge watching the whole series.


Your welcome! Enjoy binge watching the whole series, there is like 45 episodes so far, and it’s still ongoing.