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Hey Patreon beans!!

JoJo's will be updated a bit later on. Ant and I are taking a mental health day and focusing on ourselves. We appreciate your support so much and don't worry the series will continue! Just today was going to be a recording day but we needed a day off. :3 Thank you for your understanding



Perfectly understandable, have a good free day and rest up! We wait patiently


Can’t wait to see it!


That's good! I'm glad you guys finally take a well deserved break, take as long as you need. :)

Joey Cat

You all deserve a break with all the work that You, Ant and Azu have been putting in, stay safe :)


Please rest as long as is needed, this is a mentally taxing job, so got to keep your mental health... healthy? Words and things, just take your time, lol.


take your time, you both deserve a break once in a while to make sure you’re mentally okay! thanks for your hard work!


Get that R&R, enjooy ya self always good to get that mental health break often.


Take care! Mental health is more important, we can wait


Take care, take time, whenever you need <3


Take care of yourselves, glad you are both taking a mental health day!


have a nice day :D take care

Dylan McDonald

Unacceptable, you have forsaken us