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:3 guess what's back!!


vs 1x6

Watch "vs 1x6" on Streamable.


Andres Lozano

Yaaay lets goo!! *Cries rewatching the episode* Kinda sad how low key Vinland is for its quality on your channel.

Tachyon Fast

I’m so so happy for Vinland saga and Love is war to be back! I’m also torn up because in two weeks I’m gonna be GONE for MONTHs and I REALLY want to get back to your reactions as fast as humanly possible.


vinland its a masterpiece, and the best of the best its later in the season. hope you soon reach those points.



James Decker

That first soldier took the biggest L of his life. Imagine getting killed by a literal toddler, couldn't be me.


My absolute dream for this series would be some kind of ultimate multinational dub. Throught it you have Danes, English, French, ect in the same scenes together, sometimes speaking different language at each other like in this ep, but it isn't obvious as everyone's speaking Japanese or presumably in the dub all English. I'd love to see something compiled with the danes speaking subbed danish and the french speaking subbed french, ect. [edit] for others of similar mindset I did a little digging and aparrently the german dub gets quite close, where the POV characters will be always speaking german but whenever they encounter people speaking other languages they are, and when the POV shifts to those characters our main cast are speaking norse

James S

Huzzah! Glad to see this series back, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.

Youmu Senju

Oh, you're watching the censored version.

Youmu Senju

Asheklad: *literally stabs Thorfinn in the back in the process of killing the English soldier* Alicia: Oh, who saved you? Thorfinn: LADY--

Sand Man

Yaaay thanks for so many awesome uploads!!!


That sounds really cool that the German dub went the extra mile. In the English dub they did attempt to have different accents on people (i.e. I think the Saxons generally had thicker accents compared to the rest), but it was still all in English. It was a lot like what the modern mainline Xenoblade games have going on.