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vox m 2x3

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Vissarionas Mylonas

What if she comes back more powerful. Thoughts Thoughts??????


When Vax said their father rejected them for "what they are", it's referring to them being half-elves. Their father is a full elf, and their mother is a human; that's what the father meant when he referred to them as "diluted".


One day as a DM I hope to hit my players with a possible insta-kill trap.


Fun in game stuff. Originally Vox Machina noticed a monster near the walls of Vasselheim and thought they were helping by killing it. Instead, they poached from the Slayer's Take who forced them to sign on with them to repay them. The group got split up into two groups where they met Zahra and Kashaw (as well as two other characters played by Felicia Day and Wil Wheaton). As guest characters. Group one went to hunt a Rakhasha, consisting of Vax, Keyleth, Tiberius (who isn't included in canon any more due to issues with the player), Wil Wheaton's character, and Kashaw. Group Two consisted of Vex, Percy, Grog, Scanlan, Felicia Day's character, and Zahra, and had to hunt a young white dragon. Kash and Zahra would later work together with Vox Machina as good friends, and help them in their search for the Deathwalker's Ward. Will Friedle (Kashaw) and Mary Elizabeth McGlynn (Zahra) would go on to be fan favorites and reoccurring allies to Vox Machina with guest appearances.


So the decision was made early on that they would remain faithful to the campaign this was based on, at least in what is crucial to the story. That unfortunately means if a character dies in the campaign (in this case due to trap with a death effect), it has to happen in the anime as well. For what it's worth, this is a key moment of the campaign, a huge change happens as a result of this.

Jesus Juarez

In regards to what you mentioned in the start with people liking Ant. The first ever video I've watched from your channel was the JoJo's opening reaction. Which also included Ant since from there you two went on to start reacting to JoJo, so having mostly been watching Vox Machina and JoJo with you two it's been fun. Ant feels like a great person to have around as a duo commentator since you both bounce off each other well in fun ways. So yeah I can definitely say I'm in the party of liking Ant around since it's just fun seeing your dynamic together as friends shine.


Laura (Vex) was in the middle of an investigation check when Taliesin (Percy) decided to touch the artifact. Taliesin passed his saving throw. Laura rolled a natural 1 on the 20 sided die (which is next level failure). The look on Taliesin's face when he realized he killed off Laura's character... Fun fact: Laura Bailey's character in campaign 2 spends a lot of her free time in game drawing dicks.


+1 ant for water pressure knowledge

Jack Frost

Just for nerd knowledge, Vex and Vax are half-elves (kiki is too) which means they are half human, half elf. Elves are SUPER racist towards half-elves in this universe.


Keylith is not half-human. She's half air genasi.


Adding that I have only watched Vox Machina with you, so only know you as co-reacting with Ant. But Ant seems like a great wing man for the way he reacts to you as well as the show. It's good to have a friend that won't let you sink low, but still support you on those low days. Stay strong.


This isn’t quite right! Kiki is a half-elf and is a member of the air-ashari Druidic orders that protect the realm.


Hmmm I heard she was Half Elf, Half Genasi of the Air Ashari tribe. Maybe my source was wrong.


Ok ok ok.. I know we are waiting for epis 4-6 of LoVM, and there is already a Season 3 announced, but how about that announcement that The Mighty Nein are getting a series too! We are eating good folks!


You're source seems to have gotten things mixed up. Both her parents are half elves and she's got no Genasi in her lineage. The Ashari people are the most tolerant towards Genasi in Tal'Dorei, but not all are Genasi, but different races of all kind, (Half-elves like Keyleth's family, Halflings like Orym, Human like Cerkonos, etc.) just dedicated to the Ashari way of life. In fact, Genasi don't even make up the majority of Ashari, due to how rare they are as a race. You're probably thinking of Dorian Storm, who's an Air Genasi and a character in Campaign 3. He's not an Ashari, though.

Yan Daigon

that "ATHENA" was spot on

Yan Daigon

ran outta piss before i finished my last name but i did do my first name in cursive