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posted two episodes early and last one early too so that way I can focus on my hospital visits and stuff this week :3 So here is some JoJo's content early!!



joseph joestar's number one fan

just posted this when I finished watching last episode! ehhh,,,. these episodes are ..something I’m not a fan -Alessi is nasty -Polnareff focused, not enough old Joseph Joestar gilf the sex god™️ massive old man honkers badonkers mantitties


i really dislike these eps, it just gives me the iggy's but i am excited for when the intro starts to make sense


Some of Ant's predictions over part 3 are scarily correct lmao


What a bizarre adventure is was these 2 episodes


Alicia the move is called shadow possession jutsu

joseph joestar's number one fan

man i wish joseph was involved in the alessi fight and he went back to his 18 year old self, that would be so cool


So funny story, part 3 had a fighting game that came out in the 90's/00's "Heritage of the Future" You can play as most of the Egypt arc villains one of them being Alessi so you can de-age most characters to debuff them, except if your fighting old Joseph who instead gets buffed by turning into part 2 Joseph. Even his arcade mode ending is getting his ass kicked by Young Joseph.

VJ Sins

The biggest missed opportunity here was not to have joseph involved. Imagine Alessi using set on Joseph and we get to see part 2 Joseph again


I always make it so I’m at least 1 ep ahead of you and you go and double upload REEEEEEEEE


Yeah Iggy has a human face but remember how he was is the first episode we see him in ? He didn't, the more time goes by, the more human he looks. I think Araki made it that way so the readers would like Iggy the more the part goes on.


Azu has his work cut out for him.

Grei Glace

Alessi should've died tbh

Ryan Long

Oh no indeed lol

James Gheen

Rather than "System of a Down" his stand should be "Days of Future Past" (like the Moody Blues album) which gives him the ability to see thirty minutes into the future if he's facing an enemy stand user.


The fetus part fucks me up man. I don't know if I like this two parter or not. I like the end so good enough I guess. But forget about that because the next two episodes are my favourite two parter maybe of Jojo's in its entirety! Mad hype!


Loved this episode. It's way too wrong, but just as funny as well.


Remember when he gave you a gun to smite Sully’s bullies with? He is gonna have to cover up baby Polnareff with a diaper or something.


Polnareff probably didn't want the nice lady to know it was him because he didn't want to put her in danger by making her a part of their whole journey. Even if she stayed at her house, Dio could have sent someone to capture her and threaten to hurt her. By just saying goodbye, Polnareff protects her and himself too.


Watching jobless reincarnation but not the monkey episode is wild lol rudeus and the monkey are almost identical characters

Ace Skeletonne

polnareff goes thru the most traumatic shit in the series

blue cloak

the context for the salad story is worse. And it was Set who ended up eating it. there was a long history of hate between Horus and Set including Set killing horus's dad (Osiris) where the final battle ended up, the loser is the one who injests semen first. I can put the whole story as a reply to this or just kinda leave it at that if you want.

Secco Mode

So I did warn about this episode but I'm kinda glad you watched it because it has some funny moments and also that scene near the end with Jotaro and Polnareff

James Decker

I've heard something about Osiris getting cut up into tiny little pieces and thrown in the Nile as a prank or something but this story is news to me, sounds extremely funny for a change and not just gorey lmao

James Decker

I think that's giving him too much credit, I've only noticed Iggy looking more dog-like in the very first episode, in every single one after that he has the goofy half human face. Might be more gradual in the manga though.

James Decker

I was very confused by that statement, how can someone skip the Strength encounter yet can stomach that cursed anime?


Dont forget that later he looks even more like an anime kid than now

blue cloak

Yep. Set invited Osiris for dinner, acting like he was trying to reconnect with his brother. During thr dinner he tricked Osiris into a sarcophagus and locked it. he then cut him up into chunks and tossed him into the the nile. Isis, Osiris's wife/sister, went and fished up all the peices and put him back together though she was missing his penis cause a fish ate it. So she made a wooden one and when he came back to life they did the deed and Horus was made. some time later, horus wanted revenge from set, and the fight became who ever injests semen loses. Set tries to SA Horus, but Horus catches the seed and then later puts it on Set's salad when he was celebrating causing him to lose.


Don't forget that the face keeps getting more human after that though


Yeah those first few episodes of Jobless Reincarnation make this arc look tame by comparison XD It really is a great anime though, with some of the the best worldbuilding I've seen in a long time, and the MC really does get better as the show goes on. I'd highly recommend it

Yagi di Hoshi

Dogs eating sandwiches



Lemon Rat

Thank you for the episode!


I for sure thought you were gonna launch into the story of Set and Osiris where Set tricks Osiris, number one most gullible god into a sarcophagus just by saying "get in this coffin", then kills him by chopping him into very tiny pieces, which Osiris' wife Isis gathers "most" of and puts him back together minus the genitals, and that's why Osiris is reborn as god of the Underworld


Thanks for mentioning it, but you got a few details wrong. Allow me to correct and expand on all this. The JoJo fighting game by Capcom (released in the late nineties, and with an AMAZING "Super Story Mode" in the Playstation port) counts Alessi among it's characters. A couple of his moves do have the effect of temporarily turning the opponent into an alternate version that has limited mobility and attacks (and they are lousy ones) and can't block. While they are in that state, Alessi brings out his axe. The alternate form of a few characters are younger versions of themselves. But Capcom had the majority of characters turn into someone who appeared in the chapters in which they fought. Old Joseph does turn into Young Joseph, but it's still a debuff with the same limitations as everyone else. Thing is, the game did include Young Joseph, and his intro cutscene is Alessi targeting him instead of Polnareff. Joseph was old enough to only be brought back to his Part 2 age, at which point he gets scared and runs away. It's Young Joseph's ending in which Alessi gets his ass kicked, with the (in my opinion) unfortunate side effect of making Joseph an old man once again. Video showing all characters in the game being transformed by Alessi and their moves in that form. Just a heads up, if you don't wanna see the designs of characters introduced after the Set encounter, you might wanna avoid watching. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjmfggHOvYo


Shadow possession, Jitsu


Yeah joseph would never. Not my best boy.I am appalled that you would even bring up the idea of that. 🤮


Nothing says "80's manga" quite like a baby peepee


Those episodes definitely aren’t as bad as people make them out to be, the fetus thing is pretty gross and uncomfortable but it’s a pretty horror themed episode so that’s par for the course. Alessi also gets called the same thing they call the orangutan, but he’s literally just a loser who beats up weak people, he’s just a little creepy is all.


I guess you could say Iggy didn't HAVE A DOG IN THAT FIGHT :3


one last note. Isn't it interesting that kid Jotaro raised his fist to eclipse the sun? Ass beatings must run in the family :D


"Joseph would never!" HehehehehehehahahahahahahahahahHAHAHAHAH


Keep in mind, Alessi got his ass beat by a regular ass 7 year old. Jotaro just always been tough lol