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nier 1x2

Watch "nier 1x2" on Streamable.



The first episode followed pretty directly, but after having seen the second episode, I can safely say it's probably not following Automata's story line at all. So I wouldn't worry. I think the first episode was for super secret lore reasons.


Fun fact: Yoko Taro, the fucked up brain behind Nier, spells YoRHa with the caps that way just cause he thinks it looks cool. Someone else will probably put the lore corrections in here, so that'll be their problem.

cody raugh

The sound effect choice was meant for the emotional beat. His life was mute and emotionless with little bits of sound particularly when the book with the flower fell in front of him, and then from the scene where he found the flower and on. The machine's life had no joy or meaning until flowers came into it. Then from there idk, they probably wanted to follow the emotional journey, because there's still plenty of machine moments where we have sound in both this and last video. But i think this is meant to be a emotional journey rather than a world establishing one.

cody raugh

Episode 1 diverged fairly solidly from the Game, but people seemed to ignore that just assuming that the Anime would follow the game...never mind that that game doesn't even follow the game as each replay can have vital differences, because each Ending is showing a puzzle peice of a much larger concept. But oh no "they spoiled the tutorial boss that was the big highlight of the ads for the game they must be doing a 1 for 1 of the game" like these guys somehow forgot that Yoko is a madman that spoils the entire plot of his previous masterpiece in a bit of side text data log, and has huge easter eggs for not only his other title series but other Final Fantasy games and has made his entire work into a massive multiverse. At this rate he might as well try to corrupt Kingdoms Hearts, make his deep lore background villains the true villains of all Final Fantasy, and even threaten the people of dragon quest. Because there is a lot happening behind the scenes in multiple senses of the phrase. He tied in huge plot relvant details into a japan only stage play, and into a questline/series of raids in Final Fantasy Online which those ones confirmed that the Easter Egg found in Nier Automata has a deeper meaning...hell he even allegedly helped modders make a fan mod to the game just to add a extra easter egg and mess with the heads of the fans even further.


As someone else said, I think the lack of sound effects for most of that montage was meant to highlight when the machine discovered the book. When it picked up the book, you can hear the movement of its arm. It happens right before the shot showing the bookmark falling on the ground, before the second machine storybook segment


Yeah I thought so too and prefer it this way. Having the sound effects in might have been fine but wouldn't have intrigued me on anything, the music rly set the tone of this machine's ordinary life which I felt I was walking in


Regarding your question about the game compared to the anime, thhe first episode followed the game pretty closely but we're diverging a bit now. We're maybe two or three hours into the game and we've seen the first big change from the perspective of 2B and 9S. You could play ahead in the game but it's also interesting to get the perspective of someone who hasn't played the game, it's up to you really. The Nier games, and Drakengard the parent series, are infamous for spreading content out to non game media. You've got stories in artbooks, strategy guides, drama CDs, two stage plays, a music video... all canon and some of it containing major world building details. The anime seems to be borrowing some ideas from previous side stories but putting a twist on them. They're also very casually throwing out some really important things that will pass you right by if you don't know the games. There was one scene in this episode that had me coughing and almost spitting when I saw it. The "good kid" who sent in his question for the ending segment was Yoko Taro, the director and writer of the game. Famously a big weirdo but we love him all the same. The book that the robot picked up was titled Φαίδων, Phaidon or Phaedo as it's often written in English. It's a given name in Greek but in this particular instance I'm dead certain that the book is Phaedo by Plato, one of his best know works, a dialogue on the nature of life, the afterlife and the immortal soul. It is written from the perspective of Phaedo of Elis, a student of Plato's who was present at Socrates' death bed. I really loved this episode, I love that they're taking it slow. All the areas are so lovingly recreated from the game, like almost every frame is a place you can go to in the game. I don't think the twins were using magic, I think it's some sort of technology but this is also a world where technology is essentially indistinguishable from magic so what do I know. Final thing. It was said in teh episode but the implications are easy to miss. Just consider what the broadcast said: the human population that remained after the alien invasion escaped to the moon and then a rebellion operation started using androids. Think about that one for a second.

Joey Cat

I haven't played this game but I was a big fan of that first segment. I'm a big sucker when it comes stories and characters that you can get invested in without the or very little dialogue, just letting the setting, music and emotion conveyed from the characters tell you everything is so appealing to me. The analysis and critique you gave was on point as always queen and can't wait to see more of it :)


Fair enough! 8 minutes to establish that in a 22 min long episode really pulled me out of it but I’m glad the effect worked for other people :D it’s cool to see other perspectives that it worked on for.

Christian Dixson

I killed myself with the os chip too lol love the puppet shows


Even in the game, 2B is very beautiful and very detailed. To the point there was a rumor there was more polygon in 2B's butt than all of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time's game.

Nuclear Boarhead

Something important to keep in mind is NONE of the people we see thus far are human, including the Resistance. They're androids who've been struggling to survive without the ability to be rebuilt, like 2B and 9S were after detonating their black boxes (though they can replace their broken parts). They're all androids. Uniforms just don't serve much of a purpose for units that aren't part of the Yorha military, but they are still androids. If I recall, even in the game that's never stated explicitly but is still explained indirectly a few times cuz I remember thinking the same thing about them until I did a side mission for a vendor.


Apparently that was a lie, but she does have over 1200 polygons in her butt

cole Malcom

the anime seems to be a condensed version of the game but with extra side stuff