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jjba 3x25

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@Alexandre There's lots of theories that Star Platinum is actually Jonathan


The anime version of Tremors is wild.


Ah, you both missed another reference! N'Doul's name is based on Youssou N'Dour, a Senegalese mostly known for the song "7 Seconds".

Barnabás Mucsi

Kakyoin, did you lay this egg?


Kek-Yoyn! Ugh egh It got Kak-Yoin! Ugh agh! Kak-yoin...Kak-yoin...It got his eyes!


My favorite part of D&D is having your turn completely planned out then having to scramble to improvise when someone does something unexpected or stupid that derails your whole plan, bonus points if it's the person right before you so now the spotlights on you.


I just relieved something. Avdol beat Iggy. Beat Polnareff. He got Joyaro out of the Cell. Avdol is the strongest Strafust Crusader!

Lemon Rat

Thank you for the episode <3


The only dog in JoJo's who doesn't die.

Carrie Thomas

Thanks for the episode! It would be awesome if Ant was able to join full time, y’all are really entertaining together! And I defo relate to Ant’s work situation! From the sound of it, it sounds like some kind of service job. Currently, I’m a manager at a store and it’s one of the few places that I’ve worked at so far where everyone, including us managers, know how to do any task in the store. While we can learn how to how to specialize in certain things, all of us know how to work the cash registers, clean, stock shelves, etc. Managers have to do extra on top of that but we’re out there on the floor like everyone else(at least the good ones are!) This was not the case with my past jobs, especially if there is a high turn over rate and no one cares about their job. Sorry for the rant!

Aspy 130

I feel ants situation so much, it’s genuinely fucking pointless to try and be a good employee sometimes. I’ve crps nerve damage in my feet and my current job at a dispensary I worked every holiday eve this year for them, come in for every fucking sick call, and generally worked my ass off. Now I get 1 shift a week cause they hired somebody not disabled and they didn’t like how often they saw me have to sit down from their fucking cameras. Now I’m back to looking for work lol


Fun fact: they do hint toward Iggy in the first intro, near the start when the 5 stars start shooting forward over the lands the group travels over you can see a 6th star coming in on the right over Egypt

Kawaii Edgelord

The best thing about this newest intro is it's the singers from the past 3 intros coming to sing together, a small wink at all three protags coming together in this part.