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omg uploading to patreon directly took 7 hours???? that is way too long LOL yeah Imma mostly use streamable still and then this occasionally. <3 :D thank you for your love and support during the first two books of avatar!!



Noximillian (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-18 23:36:17 korra sucks compared to this
2023-06-18 23:36:17 korra sucks compared to this
2023-06-18 23:36:17 korra sucks compared to this
2023-06-18 21:23:01 korra sucks compared to this

korra sucks compared to this


Is there a Way to watch Book III alongside with you? :)

Nakama Forever

Such a fantastic finale! As great as I remember watching on tv 😀

Daniel NT

Wait Where's rest of eps


Ah... I still love Azula disrespecting the Anime transformation sequence after all these years lol

Collanaro Percalon

The tag changes to "Avatar Book 3" from here.

Winter Turnip

this ending makes you feel betrayed like iroh

Nate Zabinski



Azula has so many iconic moments, but her one-shotting Aang as he’s doing the stereotypical protagonist powerup move is definitely one of her best. She did genuinely kill him while he was in the Avatar state (like Iroh said, lightning through the heart is deadly) and without that spirit water to bring him back the Avatar cycle would’ve been done for. That’s not even mentioning how Azula literally conquered all of Ba Sing Se like it was nothing. She is and always will be one of my all-time favorite villains, kids show or otherwise.


7 h!!! wow damn, still thru all the obstacles to bless us with finale of book 2 was a treat thanks and may the algorithem gawds be with u for the forseeable future and beyond <3


Do you remember the scene when Zuko had the fever dream, where the blue and red dragon talked to him. That looks more like a vision than a nightmare now.


ATLA is not a kids show lol. Only those who watch it understand


Can’t wait for your journey into book 3!!

Depressed Duck Daddy (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-07 22:41:32 By far my favourite series you're doing. Can't wait for book 3. In the meantime take care and thanks for all the hard work!
2023-12-07 22:41:32 By far my favourite series you're doing. Can't wait for book 3. In the meantime take care and thanks for all the hard work!
2023-12-07 22:41:32 By far my favourite series you're doing. Can't wait for book 3. In the meantime take care and thanks for all the hard work!
2023-01-13 13:39:18 By far my favourite series you're doing. Can't wait for book 3. In the meantime take care and thanks for all the hard work!

By far my favourite series you're doing. Can't wait for book 3. In the meantime take care and thanks for all the hard work!


In the end Zuko made his decision, just not the one we hoped he'd make. You made the observation that Zuko was uncharacteristically happy and positive last episode, well I guess you don't have to worry about that anymore huh :)

Alopex The Wanderer

Watching the live action movie is gonna be a trip, it isn't well regarded by fans at all. Though if you're looking for a good live action movie Dante Basko (Zuko) has a promenent role in the classic movie Hook.

Joey Cat

The finale of book 2 is peak Avatar for me, so much character development and build up led to this moment and I am so happy you got to experience it Queen, great upload and can't wait to see you in Book 3 <3

Lemon Rat

Thank you for the upload! I grew up watching Avatar it has such a special place in my heart

Luis Cruz

Alicia has always been a stickler about details so I can't wait til she hears how all the names are pronounced in the live-action movie

Dead Man Talking

I'm excited to watch you and Don react to the movie! I watch you both and that'll be a treat.


We love Ant, he is great addition to the Squad. Its a win win If you ask me. You can flush out more content. He can be less at his job.


Book 2: L! L after L after L. This finale devastated my kids and I when we watched it on air. "Zuko, No. Zuko, NO! ZUKO NO!" said EVERYONE who's ever watched Avatar. Love you! Can't wait for Book 3! It's SO GOOD! I hope you miss the show so much that you decide to pick it back up again earlier than planned. ;) *sigh* Wishful thinking...We'll be fine...

Sven Hegenbart

I was so devastated watching the season final as kid It also broke me that Zuko went for Azula suggestions but at the end you can see that he is not happy

Sinsinchi Bomba

I'm so hyped for book 3, let's goooo!

Charlie baker

Oh god shes watching the m night movie, i guess she is a cinema buff but I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy and shes such a sweetheart

AlexXis Amadeus

Pretty ballsy finale, right? They went for a Revenge of the Sith second act low point. Now imagine being a kid and having to wait like, a YEAR or more to see how it ends. Can you imagine if this was an anime? They woulda stopped on this cliffhanger and said “lol, go read the manga” I would lose my mind. Also, looking back, I really wish they’d have given the Chakras stuff it’s own episode. Exploring Buddhist philosophy in a cartoon is interesting all on its own, but there was really so much more to be said about each individual chakra, especially the last one. Good on the writers though, for having the sense to let Iroh lay the cap stone on what was essentially just a vague ideation. If I had to put it into proper words, the whole “letting go of attachments” thing would have been worded more along the lines of “realizing that these things you’re attached to are temporary, and their existence is not in your control, ultimately. So,in realizing that futility you accept that you do not have possession of life, you must simply recognize the process of the universe and “let the cosmic energy flow”. It doesn’t mean “stop loving” or “stop trying”, it means “stop assuming”.


Let's make a happy Ant ♥️🐜


Yea, Zuko's relapse hits so hard. He was doing good. He'd finally gotten past his need to hunt down Aang... but then he appeared right infront of him, and Azula played into Zuko's need to get his honor back. It's hard to say how things would have played out, had Azula not come in when she did.

Jonathan Canfield

We had to wait a year after this. It felt like 10. But next season Avatar is peak avatar.


Ah yeah I started watching this show when I was really young as well, and book 3 wasn't out yet, so this really was the last we saw of the story for a while XD aside from reruns


Pretty much hit the nail on the head with how it was as a kid at the time 😂 After this they basically just kept rerunning earlier episodes (at least where I live), but for some reason I think they re-ran the book 2 episodes much more frequently than book 1


This is something I've noticed about all the Avatar episodes since I started rewatching them through your reactions; I forgot just how snappy the pacing of this show actually was! I remembered the finale to book 2 being a two parter for some reason, so when you mentioned last episode that this was the finale I was thinking that maybe I didn't hear that right


It is a kids show. It’s just that unlike a lot of shows made for kids, they actually teach some really mature and valuable life lessons, and it just so happens that adults can learn from them as well. ATLA is what happens when people actually care about the shows their children watch.

James S

Still remember the gut punch from all the way in 2006 or 2007 when I first saw this episode. It is definitely as many people called it, the "Empire Strikes Back" moment for avatar; the heroes hit their darkest hour personally and the bad guys seem are triumphant for the moment. And of course it's especially hard because of Zuko, we've all seen for a long time now he has a lot of good qualities and is a good person. But the road to recovery, whether it's from things like addiction or trauma, is often not a straight and easy one, even when it seems like life is opening all the doors for it and rolling out the red carpet. Looking forward to when you continue with the series, fingers crossed for your treatment going well.

Sage Ryoku

When you watch legend of Korra you can watch previously it doesn't spoil anything and functions as a very unique view on things as it's portrayed via the radio announcers point of view

Youmu Senju

She hasn't even started book 3. She doesn't need to hear about Korra yet. XD

Al Rush

TBF it feels like a mixture of ESB and RoS. The parallels between Luke and Anakin, compared to Aang and Zuko at the end of the respective films are remarkable. Luke doesn't complete his training for fear of loved ones and loses, as does Aang. Anakin gives into temptation as does Zuko.

AlexXis Amadeus

No one needs to hear about Korra. She could skip it entirely and be better off for it.


people that act like LoK is garbage for some reason are honestly hilarious to me because like… you obviously were just looking for reasons to hate it 😂 Even at its worst it’s not that bad (plus don’t forget how terribly the show was treated by Nickelodeon) and at its best it’s comparable to the greatest parts of ATLA soooo

Sage Ryoku

I would say even in the darkest moments of avatar in the worst season the writers still gave us some of the best stories, I will agree of all the current avatar series Legend of Korra has the worst season, but even in that season it has the best 2 episodes. I think I like Legend of Korra as what it is, not comparing it to Atla but as the next step in the series. Considering what happened to it during it's release period I'm glad it got made and even as it was done dirty by the networks it managed to hold itself together. (Man it is hard to formulate a solid statment while avoding spoilers for everyone XD)

Ed Ambriz

I'm so excited for you, season 3 is the best. It's so emotional, it will have you saying "My Babies!" All throughout.


Iroh and Zuko's plotline is definitely an emotional freight train, but keep in mind the path to redemption is not a fast one. Just because Zuko started his transformation doesn't mean it will finish quickly. Hope your treatment goes well, and that you bounce back quick, please take all the time you need to recover!

Mike Tai

Late fun fact, but my step dad actually went to high school with Zuko’s VA!

Benji Schulman

If you remember from one of the previous episodes when Zuko was having his metamorphosis nightmares he had that one as the Firelord with dragons on either side of him trying to influence him, Azula as one and Iroh the other. Looked very familiar to the framing of the scene about Zuko's critical decision down in the crystal caves with... Azula and Iroh on either side of him. This show is so spectacular with the foreshadowing 👀


I've recently received my copy of the Avatar Legends roleplaying game after backing it on Kickstarter some time ago, which made me want to rewatch the show. Your reactions are absolutely perfect for it. I love how emotionally invested you are and am really looking forward to season three and hopefully Legend of Korra. (It is jarring at first how different it is from ATLA but it's not bad at all.) I wish you all the best for your health!