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JOOOOJOOOOOOOOOOOOO'S!!! was gonna upload this tomorrow but here have it today :3 


JJ 3x16

Watch "JJ 3x16" on Streamable.



Pretty big flaw in Steely Dan's plan here: the only thing keeping Jotaro from stomping him into chunky salsa is the fact that Joseph is being held hostage...but Dan said that Joseph is going to die in 10 minutes no matter what. So that whole hostage aspect kinda doesn't work.


If I were to haggle, I feel like I can't do it the Alicia or Joseph "make jokes but don't offend them" way, like I can't deal with bullshit. Like my gameplan would be "How much?" [Lowball them by cutting that in half, or even a quarter] [Meet them in the middle of their next offer] And then if they make another offer and I'm still not feeling the price, go "Alright, then I don't need it." And figure it out from there if they persist. I'm aware this means that I won't be getting anything for less than a quarter of the price but, it'd probably save a lot of time.


I guess the idea was once Joseph's dead, just go down the line and do it to the next Stardust Crusader until they're all dead, but that's just my speculation. And even that plan would've failed if the next one was just willing to sacrifice themself to let them kill Steely Dan, but if it was Jotaro or something then they probably wouldn't be able to stop Dio.


When you asked for jotaro to be humbled this was the episode I thought of

Ace Skeletonne

oh my bad i forgot about the legal worries of watching on some streaming sites

Yagi di Hoshi

In the dub when Steely Dan uses Jotaro as a bridge & bounces on him, he goes "Boing, boing, boing!"


Alicia your stand is delirium


There won't be an anime of it but there is a side story that DOES have a stand that has neurochemical manipulation so it COULD make someone depressed.


Don't worry ant I'm here 29 Feeling older by each episode we watch


Only stand I can think to give you would be the mother's stand. Able to protect and heal anyone at the cost Body degrading. You can heal yourself but another other person or thing will Decay and if you use it too much or your damage so much That the decay destroys the body or object to quickly.


Don't feel bad. A LOT of people think Ceasar is Dio on just watching the openings.


Alicia, stand name: Baby Love Ability: if Alicia is within 30 feet of a child under the age of 15 she can instantly teleport to that child. In addition, as long as Alicia is in physical contact with a child that child cannot be harmed in any way.


Any place that requires haggling is instantly written off by me - my introverted ass ain't putting up with that